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Configuration file

Alexander Andreev edited this page Jun 1, 2017 · 1 revision

Charon configuration field consists of sections and fields inside them. There are two required section: "main" and "http".

main section

  • port — a port to bind. Required.
  • workers — number of process to spawn. Required.

http section

  • accept_timeout — how much time can pass from successful accept to read.
  • client_buffer_size — buffer size for HTTP header. If client sends header bigger that the value of this field, 431 Request Header Fields Too Large is returned.

vhost section

This sections describes a virtual host, that Charon will serve. Note that only one of root or upstream must be provided.

  • name — host from authority part of virtual host URI. Required.
  • root — root folder of virtual host. If this field is set, Charon will serve this vhost as local.
  • upstream — if this field is set, Charon will upstream connection to given HTTP server.
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