This is a Python library for identifying sentiment of different topics live from Twitter.
Twitter does not allow streaming from multiple tracks. This tool allows you to group a wide stream of tweets with labels. These Tweets are analyzed and their 'mood' is determined using an amalgam of algorithms.
First create a twitter-creds.json file with your keys and tokens from a [Twitter Developer] app.
"CONSUMER_KEY": "apikeyhere123456abcdefgh",
"CONSUMER_SECRET": "consumersecrethere123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv",
"ACCESS_KEY": "accesskeyhereaccesskeyhereaccesskeyhereaccesskey1",
"ACCESS_SECRET": "accesssecrethereaccesssecrethereaccesssecret12"
For Autonomous Database support, follow these intructions:
- Install the cx_Oracle Python package
- Install Oracle Instant Client
- Set environment variables to locate the tnsnames.ora file
Something like this:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/18.3/client64/lib/${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
To enter a custom search query and save tweets to output.txt, execute these commands from a shell:
git clone
cd flock
python3 output.txt
Ctrl-C to exit the process. To continue the previous search contained in query.txt, execute:
python3 output.txt go
General streaming usage:
from flock import Flock
# save tweets to output.txt using previous search terms
stream = Flock(json_creds='api_creds.json', output='output.txt', cont='go')
stream.start(quiet=False) # begin reading tweets
To fetch historical tweets, use:
from flock import Flock
# save tweets to output.txt using previous search terms
stream = Flock(json_creds='api_creds.json', output='output.txt', cont='go')
Change fetch's cont argument to True if you want to continue a from
the date of the last tweet in an existing file.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.