Cashu is a Chaumian Ecash wallet and mint with Bitcoin Lightning support.
Disclaimer: The author is NOT a cryptographer and this work has not been reviewed. This means that there is very likely a fatal flaw somewhere. Cashu is still experimental and not production-ready.
Cashu is an Ecash implementation based on David Wagner's variant of Chaumian blinding. Token logic based on minicash (description) which implements a Blind Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange scheme written down by Ruben Somsen here. The database mechanics and the Lightning backend uses parts from LNbits.
Please read the Cashu documentation for more detailed information.
This project aims to replicate the python mint implementation of cashu.
These steps will help you installing cashu-feni from source. This project has two parts, a Cashu command line wallet and a mint.
git clone && cd cashu-feni
Copy config_example.yaml
to config.yaml
and update configuration values.
go build -o feni cmd/cashu/feni.go && ./feni
go build -v -o cashu-feni cmd/mint/mint.go && ./cashu-feni
Download the latest binary from releases
Start cashu-feni using docker. Please provide a local volume path to the data folder.
docker pull cashubtc/cashu-feni
docker run -it -p 3338:3338 \
-v $(pwd)/data/:/app/data/ \
Mounting custom config.yaml
to /app/config.yaml
docker run -it -p 3338:3338 \
-v $(pwd)/config.yaml:/app/config.yaml \
-v $(pwd)/data/:/app/data/ \
git clone && cd cashu-feni
docker build -t cashu -f Dockerfile .