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Oar is a deprecated static site generator for RPG web-zine


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Oar is a static site generator for RPG web-zine

Deprecation Notice

As of January 2020, has been migrated from offline Oar-based generation to GitHub pages and Prose authoring environment.

No further development is expected on Oar.



Oar is supposed to use use data from casopisdrakkar/clanky repository. Magazine issues are stored in directories and include YAML file that includes issue metadata. Every article is in its own file, with YAML metadata in header and Markdown text after it, separated by dashes. See the repository for more info.


Build a jar file.

mvn clean assembly:assembly -DdescriptorId=jar-with-dependencies

Generating the web page

Run the jarfile. There are following parameters:

  • required path to the Drakkar sources. Point it to the directory with cloned Git repo, such as /home/drakkar/clanky. Note that this directory must contain the content subfolder with directories that correspond to the issue numbers.
  • optional directory that will contain the generated site.

Example usage:

java -jar ./target/oar-0.2-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar /home/drakkar/clanky


Oar is composed from the following fundamental components:

  • pipelines, representing a data flow in the publication process
  • plugins, each delivering a specific feature or functionality of the portal
  • basic Oar class serving as a starting point for the portal publishing

Pipelines and Contexts

There are three interconnected pipelines for the data in the publication process.

  • asset assembly pipeline is independently executed for each asset (article text file, metadata, PDF etc) that is present in the issue folder
  • issue pipeline is independently executed for each issue, after the issue asset pipeline completes its execution
  • portal assembly pipeline is executed once, whenever the last issue pipeline completes its execution.

A plugin can become a part of any of the three pipelines.


There are three types of plugins which can be connected to any of the three pipelines

  • AssetAssemblyPlugin with onAsset() method that is called for any asset (resource, file, image, PDF) in the issue folder.
    • ArticleAssemblyPlugin is often used special subclass that offers articleProcessed() to easily listen for article processing events
  • IssueAssemblyPlugin with issueArticlesProcessed() method that is called in the Issue Assembly Pipeline
  • PortalAssemblyPlugin with publicationComplete() method that is called in the Portal Assembly Pipeline


Data flow in the pipeline is represented by the notion of context, which is basically a hashmap from Variables to arbitrary objects. The context is passed between plugins in the pipeline and can be freely modified during the pipeline execution.

Data flow and the Oar class

The Oar class is responsible for managing and executing the pipelines and for registering the plugins into the pipelines.

Most importantly, it iterates over issue folders and executes Issue Assembly Pipeline. Within this process, an Asset Assembly Pipeline is executed on each asset in the issue folder. Finally, the Portal Assembly Pipeline is executed.

Imagine the following structure:

|-  metadata.yaml
|-  metadata.yaml

First directory: asset assembly

At first, a treewalker over directory structure is created, processing directories in the depth-first manner. This means, that at first the directory 1 is processed. An Issue object is created and the issue assets will be processed. More specifically, there are two assets in the 1 folder: a Markdown file and the YAML metadata.

For each file, a new Asset Assembly pipeline with new Context is created and all plugins in this pipeline are executed. Plugins in this pipeline usually parse the input files, put the information into the context, copy the assets into the output folder etc.

First directory: issue assembly

Whenever all assets in the directory are processed, a new Issue Assembly Pipeline is created, along with independently created new context and all IssueAssemblyPlugins are executed.

Second directory: asset assembly and issue assembly

The similar process is executed on the 2 directory. All three assets (two Markdowns and a single YAML) are processed in three independent Asset Assembly Pipelines, with three independent contexts. When all three assets in this are processed, the Issue Assembly Pipeline will be called.

Portal Assembly Pipeline

Finally, the Portal Assembly Pipeline will be executed, along with a new context, where all registered PortalAssemblyPlugins will be executed.

Contexts and data flow

Note that pipelines have independent lifecycles that correspond to independent data flow:

  • Asset Assembly Pipeline is quite short-lived. The context exists only during the handling of the asset file. Each file spawns a new Asset Assembly Pipeline with a new contexts.
  • Issue Assembly Pipeline runs just after all assets in the issue are processed. Each processed issue executes an independent IAP with independent context
  • Portal Assembly Pipeline runs just after all issues are processed. A single PAP with independent context will be created.

Implementing plugins

Suppose that you want to implement a new plugin that copies fonts used in the CSS into the output folder.

At first, choose one of the three pipelines, which will be connected with this plugin. Remember, there are three pipelines: one that handles assets, one that handles issues and the last one that handles portal assembly.

In our example, the font copy may be executed once, after the portal is assembled. Therefore, we create a class that implements PortalAssemblyPlugin and implement the method:

public void publicationComplete(Context context)

Access to global configuration

Your plugin may access the system-wide Configuration object that holds the information about output folder and other settings.

If you subclass the ConfigurationSupport, you may retrieve access to this global configuration and use it in your plugins.

Our plugin will need to know where to put the fonts in the output, so subclassing ConfigurationSupport is very convenient.

Registering plugin to Oar

Currently, the configuration of plugins is done statically in the main() method of Oar class.

CopyFontsPlugin copyFontsPlugin = new CopyFontsPlugin(configuration);

Note that since your plugin extends ConfigurationSupport, you are provided a constructor with pre-existing Configuration object.

Implementing article-handling plugins

Many plugins will process the actual Article objects. In this case, subclass ArticleAssemblyPlugin with method

void articleProcessed(Article article, Context context) throws PluginExecutionException;

If you would like to gain access to the global configuration object, subclass ConfigurableArticleAssemblyPlugin.

Typed contexts

A mapping in the context are typed. Each key is of type GlobalContextVariables.Variable<T>, where T represents the type of the value in the context.

Each plugin should, by convention, define an internal static class ContextVariables that defines a typesafe information about properties that will be put into the context by this plugin.

For example, the MostProductiveAuthorsCollector exposes an authorProductivityListVariable variable in the context:

public class MostProductiveAuthorsCollector ... {
    public static class ContextVariables {
        public static class AuthorProductivityListVariable implements GlobalContextVariables.Variable<List<AuthorProductivity>> {}

        public static AuthorProductivityListVariable authorProductivityListVariable = new AuthorProductivityListVariable();

Accessing context variables in Freemarker templates

You may access the context variables in the Freemarker templates by using the following convention. The variable from the previous example in the MostProductiveAuthorsCollector can be accessed with the following expression:
