python qiskit files to run process tomography experiments on IBM Q experience quantum chips.
Run only files in the root folder for intended use.
This code requires a QConfig file in /IBM_Q_Experience to function properly. (You have to provide your own API!) For more info see: For immediate Qconfig file
############################################################################################################################ The 'circuitname' files are to:
- create tomography circuits for the circuit in /circuits/'circuitname'
- send those to the server,
- save the jobids of all batches to /Experiment_data/'run_type'/circuitname/filenamewithtimestamp
- save (overwriting) the jobids of all batches to /Experiment_data/last--jobids
Parameters: run_type: 'r' for real experiment or 's' for simulation.
reg: set to rue to register at IBMQExperience.
nr_batches: The number of batches over which all tomography circuits are divided while sending to the IBM server. Different batches are different jobs for the server.
If you want to run a different circuit the file from which the circuit must be imported should be specified at line 50.
############################################################################################################################ The file 'analyse' (Dutch for analysis) reads the jobids (&other data) from the /Experiment_data/ directory, and retrieves the jobs from the IBM server. If all jobs are completed, simple tomography analysis is run on the data:
- fitting the choi matrix
- comparing to the perfect operation as defined in the circuit file (to do!)
- plotting of the choi matrix
Parameters: direct: if True, the jobids are obtained from /Experiment_data/last--jobids.
if False, the jobids are obtained from /Experiment_data/run_type/circuit_name/filenamewithtimestamp,
where timestamp is searched for in the local variables, being either a string or a datetime.datetime object
If no such variable exist, the date and time of the experiment is prompted in the console.
run_type: 'r' for real experiment or 's' for simulation.
fit_method: fitting method for tomo data fitting. Check for more info.
circuit_name: the name of the circuit to load the jobids of the experiment from. Not needed when direct == True.