Searches through folders for .dwg files and brings specific layers/features into a gdb. Detailed Steps for Each Function
- Define Address and Set Environment:
- Specify the folder address where the CAD files are located (address variable).
- Set the environment workspace to the specified address (arcpy.env.workspace).
- Create or Link to Output Geodatabase (GDB):
- Create a new file geodatabase (GDB) within the specified address if it doesn't already exist (
- Link to the existing GDB if it's already created.
- Loop Through School Folders:
- Iterate through each school folder in the specified address using arcpy.ListWorkspaces().
- Check/Create Feature Dataset:
- Check if a feature dataset for the school exists in the GDB (arcpy.Describe).
- If the feature dataset doesn't exist, create it within the GDB (arcpy.CreateFeatureDataset_management).
- Loop Through DWG Files:
- Traverse through DWG files (*.dwg) in the school folder using arcpy.ListDatasets().
- Extract Point and Polyline Layers:
- Extract Point and Polyline layers from each DWG file using arcpy.Describe(dwg_path).children.
- Iterate through the layers and identify Point and Polyline layers.
- Rename and Import Layers to Feature Dataset:
- Rename the extracted layers according to a standard convention.
- Create a feature layer from the DWG layer (
- Import the feature layer into the corresponding feature dataset within the GDB (arcpy.FeatureClassToFeatureClass_conversion).
- Extract Specific Features (e.g., ROOMTAG):
- Identify specific features (e.g., ROOMTAG) within Point layers.
- Copy selected features to a new feature class within the feature dataset (arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management and arcpy.da.InsertCursor).