A PHP (Requires PHP 5.3) library for the Highcharts JavaScript charting library
composer require "catchamonkey/phighcharts"
##What does it do? Along with providing a nice OO interface to create your charts, it also extends the functionality by adding such useful tools as "Sticky Keys"
###Sticky Keys A sticky key, is a configuration option that allows you to always use the same colour for certain keys. For example, you may want to always use green for apples when charting apples vs oranges.
##Example Pie Chart
use Phighchart\Chart;
use Phighchart\Options\Container;
use Phighchart\Options\ExtendedContainer;
use Phighchart\Data;
use Phighchart\Renderer\Pie;
use Phighchart\Renderer\Line;
$extOptions = new ExtendedContainer();
$extOptions->setStickyColour('apples', '#629632');
$extOptions->setStickyColour('oranges', '#CD3700');
$options = new Container('chart');
$titleOptions = new Container('title');
$titleOptions->setText('Monthly Details');
$data = new Data();
->addCount('Apples', 32)
->addCount('Oranges', 68)
->addSeries('Apples', array(
'2012-05-01' => 12,
'2012-05-02' => 3,
'2012-05-03' => 33
->addSeries('Oranges', array(
'2012-05-01' => 32,
'2012-05-02' => 36,
'2012-05-03' => 18
// put it all together
$chart = new Chart();
->setRenderer(new Pie());
// a line chart is similar, and our data container holds series data for this
$lineChart = clone $chart;
$options = new Container('chart');
$lineChart->addOptions($options)->setRenderer(new Line());
// and render in the template
// or to change the element rendered
// $chart->renderContainer('span');
// and for the line
for rendering the labels as datetime format, provide an instance of the format class. Note: Phighchart uses the Linear format by default
use Phighchart\Format\Datetime;
//set up chart and chart data
$dateTimeFormat = new Datetime();
The Datetime formatter will now attempt to parse the chart data keys as DateTime objects. The Datetime format class can parse the standard PHP date time string formats out-of-the-box.
- http://no2.php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.compound.php
- http://no2.php.net/manual/en/datetime.formats.date.php
For parsing custom date time string formats, provide the datetime string pattern to the Phighchart Datetime format class as follows:
use Phighchart\Format\Datetime;
//set up chart and chart data
$dateTimeFormat = new Datetime();
//for parsing date time string of pattern "1st August, 2012 12:09:32"
$dateTimeFormat->setDateTimeFormat('jS F, Y H:i:s');
##Unit Tests
You can run the Unit Test suite with;
phpunit -c . tests/