Converts .NET Types to Postgresql tables, fields, and foreign keys to help initialize databases and to manage schemas.
Run "SqlScriptBuilder.exe --help" in a terminal for detailed usage.
Requires two input parameters
- Path to a .dll assembly
- Schema name in postgresql database
The output is sent to the console, but it can be piped to a file. E.g. using powershell and the included TestClass.dll:
& .\SqlScriptBuilder.exe build --assembly .\TestClass.dll --schema schemaname | Out-File -FilePath "output.sql"
Default type mapping is changed using typeMap in Constants.cs. If a KV pair of types is not found, a complex type is assumed, and a foreign key is created.
NodaTime for mapping time types to postgresql
Uses NodaTime for mapping time types to postgresql
System.CommandLine for the CLI interface