Code for identifying positions in the human genome that are unstable when converting between GRCh37 and GRCh38, using either liftOver
or CrossMap
The data in mind for this procedure are single nucleotide variants (SNVs) obtained from whole genome sequencing (WGS).
Previous work has highlighted unusual behaviour in build conversion, such as SNVs mapping to a different chromosome.
BED files describing these conversion-unstable positions (CUPs) are provided, as well as a combined file of all regions ("novel_CUPs").
These positions are determined by the chain file, and are the same regardless of the conversion tool.
Pre-excluding SNVs in these regions before converting between builds removes all unstable behaviour.
BED files for these positions may be downloaded in Section 2 below.
If you have any queries or feedback, please contact the author. If you use the exclude files or this algorithm in your publication, please cite the following paper:
Ormond C, Ryan NM, Corvin A and Heron EA, "Converting single nucleotide variants between genome builds: from cautionary tale to solution", Briefings in Bioinformatics, 2021. (PMID: 33822888; DOI:
Note that sections 3-5 below need only be applied if a user wishes to re-generate the CUP files for validation, or to apply this process to genomes other than GRCh37 and GRCh38.
BED file containing novel CUP positions for either GRCh37 or GRCh38 can be downloaded directly here:
# GRCh37
# GRCh38
SNVs at these positions can be removed from a VCF file using, for example, vcftools
(substitute the appropriate VCF file name and BED genome source build):
vcftools --vcf INPUT.vcf --exclude-bed FASTA_BED.ALL_GRCh3N.novel_CUPs.bed --recode --recode-INFO-all --out INPUT.stable
The variants in the resulting VCF file are now stable to genome build conversion. Note that some variants may still fail the conversion process, due to their positions not being present in the target build. This is expected behaviour and is handled by the conversion tools.
- Prerequisites:
GNU parallel
- Additionally, the following are required for the WGS example
(supplied in SCRIPTS directory)GATK
(supplied in SCRIPTS directory)
- Reference FASTA files are not included due to file size, but are required for the application to the real WGS data. Code to download and index these reference files is provided below.
- This process assumes
chr1, chr2, ..., chrX, chrY
nomenclature. - The input BED files for the full-genome search for one build are ~150GB in size. Once the algorithm is applied, all files can take up to 1.5TB in size.
- For a single run of the algorithm, a source and target such as GRCh37 and GRCh38 must be chosen as well as a tool (
Download the resource material and initialise:
git clone
cd genomeBuildConversion ;
export REF_DIR
chmod +x ${SCRIPT_DIR}/*sh
Run for GRCh37:
Run for GRCh38:
Run for liftOver:
export TOOL
Run for CrossMap:
export TOOL
Generate the input BED files for the conversion process. Every individual base-pair position in the genome will have a BED entry, based on the lengths of the standard 23 pairs of chromosomes. This is parallelised for speed, as it can take up to 90 minutes on the largest chromosome.
cd CHR
date ;
parallel --plus -j 12 --colsep '\t' "${SCRIPT_DIR}/ {1} {2} {3} ${SOURCE}" :::: ${REGIONS}
If you are working on a different genome than GRCh37 or GRCh38, you can supply alternate REGION files in the REFERENCE directory.
Run the main script to identify unstable positions. The loop script takes as arguments the input filename, the start iteration, the end iteration and the source build. Both scripts will add the tool name to the file output, so there should be no over-writing of output files. This is parallelised using GNU parallel, with 12 CPUs available.
parallel --plus -j12 ". ${LOOP_BED} {} 1 2 ${SOURCE}" ::: $( ls -d *_${SOURCE} | sort -V )
The script was set up so that iterations could be interrupted and restarted if neccessary. Two iterations were run above to determine if the algorithm was stable, or if new sites would be identified at each step (the former was expected and observed).
Check if there are entries in the files of unstable positions for the second iteration by counting the lines (regardless of the source/target builds). The first two commands should return zeroes for all files, and the third command should return nothing.
for FILE in $( find *_${SOURCE} -iname "*${TOOL}_${SOURCE}_2.reject.extract.bed" ) ; do wc -l ${FILE} ; done
for FILE in $( find *_${SOURCE} -iname "*${TOOL}_${TARGET}_2.reject.extract.bed" ) ; do wc -l ${FILE} ; done
for FILE in $( find *_${SOURCE} -iname '*${TOOL}*_2.jump*' ) ; do wc -l ${FILE} ; done
For each of the five CUP files, combine all the individual base-pair positions and collapse into multi-site regions. Additionally, combine the four novel CUPs into one file.
cat $( find ../CHR/*_${SOURCE} -iname "FASTA_BED.chr*_${SOURCE}.${TOOL}_${TARGET}_*.jump_CHR.bed" ) | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > FASTA_BED.${TOOL}.ALL_${SOURCE}.CHR_jump_1.bed
cat $( find ../CHR/*_${SOURCE} -iname "FASTA_BED.chr*_${SOURCE}.${TOOL}_${SOURCE}_*.jump_CHR.bed" ) | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > FASTA_BED.${TOOL}.ALL_${SOURCE}.CHR_jump_2.bed
cat $( find ../CHR/*_${SOURCE} -iname "FASTA_BED.chr*_${SOURCE}.${TOOL}_${SOURCE}_*.jump_POS.bed" ) | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > FASTA_BED.${TOOL}.ALL_${SOURCE}.POS_jump.bed
cat $( find ../CHR/*_${SOURCE} -iname "FASTA_BED.chr*_${SOURCE}.${TOOL}_${SOURCE}_*.reject.extract.bed" ) | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > FASTA_BED.${TOOL}.ALL_${SOURCE}.reject_1.bed
cat $( find ../CHR/*_${SOURCE} -iname "FASTA_BED.chr*_${SOURCE}.${TOOL}_${TARGET}_*.reject.extract.bed" ) | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > FASTA_BED.${TOOL}.ALL_${SOURCE}.reject_2.bed
cat FASTA_BED.${TOOL}.ALL_${SOURCE}*jump*.bed FASTA_BED.${TOOL}.ALL_${SOURCE}*reject_2.bed | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > FASTA_BED.${TOOL}.ALL_${SOURCE}.novel_CUPs.bed
To confirm that both liftOver
and CrossMap
give identical output for each of the CUP caregoties, we calculate the jaccard indices between the files:
for LIFT in FASTA_BED.liftOver.ALL_${SOURCE}.* ; do CROSS=$( echo ${LIFT} | sed -e 's/liftOver/CrossMap/g' ) ; NAME=$( echo ${LIFT} | sed -e 's/liftOver\.//g' ) ; echo -e "${NAME}\t$( bedtools jaccard -a ${LIFT} -b ${CROSS} | cut -f3 | tail -1 )" ; echo ; done | column -t
As a proof of principle, a modified version of the above algorithm can be applied to WGS data.
is implemented by the LiftoverVCF
module from picard
, since liftOver
cannot directly process VCF files.
The VCF information can be collapsed down to position information only as BED files, and the original algorithm run.
The VCF-based data should be contained within the BED-based data, which in turn should be contained within the full-genome data.
Download VCF files for NA12877 and NA12878 from the Illumina Platinum Genomes project:
mkdir GRCh37 GRCh38
wget -O GRCh37/ConfidentRegions.GRCh37.bed.gz
wget -O GRCh37/ConfidentRegions.GRCh37.bed.gz.tbi
wget -O GRCh37/NA12877.GRCh37.vcf.gz
wget -O GRCh37/NA12877.GRCh37.vcf.gz.tbi
wget -O GRCh37/NA12878.GRCh37.vcf.gz
wget -O GRCh37/NA12878.GRCh37.vcf.gz.tbi
wget -O GRCh38/ConfidentRegions.GRCh38.bed.gz
wget -O GRCh38/ConfidentRegions.GRCh38.bed.gz.tbi
wget -O GRCh38/NA12877.GRCh38.vcf.gz
wget -O GRCh38/NA12877.GRCh38.vcf.gz.tbi
wget -O GRCh38/NA12878.GRCh38.vcf.gz
wget -O GRCh38/NA12878.GRCh38.vcf.gz.tbi
Note that the Illumina Platinum Genomes provides a list of "Confident Regions" for validated variant sites as well as high-confidence homozygous-reference sites. Annotate the variants with unique identifier and extract bi-allelic SNVs, subset to the "Confident Regions"@
for SAMPLE in NA12877 NA12878
for BUILD in GRCh37 GRCh38
echo "${SAMPLE} on ${BUILD}"
bcftools query -f "%CHROM\t%POS\t%REF\t%ALT\n" ${BUILD}/${SAMPLE}.${BUILD}.vcf.gz | awk -v OFS="\t" -v SOURCE=${BUILD} '{print $1,$2-1,$2,$1 "_" $2 "_" $3 "_" $4 "_" SOURCE }' | gzip -c - > ${BUILD}/${SAMPLE}.${BUILD}.annotate.bed.gz
bcftools annotate -c CHROM,FROM,TO,ID -a ${BUILD}/${SAMPLE}.${BUILD}.annotate.bed.gz -Oz -o ${BUILD}/${SAMPLE}.${BUILD}.annotate.vcf.gz ${BUILD}/${SAMPLE}.${BUILD}.vcf.gz
tabix ${BUILD}/${SAMPLE}.${BUILD}.annotate.vcf.gz
bcftools view -Ov --max-alleles 2 --types snps -R ${BUILD}/ConfidentRegions.${BUILD}.bed.gz ${BUILD}/${SAMPLE}.${BUILD}.annotate.vcf.gz > ${BUILD}/${SAMPLE}.${BUILD}.annotate.bi_SNV.original.vcf
echo -e "\tExtracting SNVs at stable positions"
vcftools --vcf ${BUILD}/${SAMPLE}.${BUILD}.annotate.bi_SNV.original.vcf --exclude-bed ${MAIN_DIR}/CUP_FILES/FASTA_BED.ALL_${BUILD}.novel_CUPs.bed --recode --recode-INFO-all --out ${BUILD}/${SAMPLE}.${BUILD}.annotate.bi_SNV
mv ${BUILD}/${SAMPLE}.${BUILD}.annotate.bi_SNV.recode.vcf ${BUILD}/${SAMPLE}.${BUILD}.annotate.bi_SNV.stable.vcf
echo -e "\n\n"
Create the directories:
for BUILD in GRCh37 GRCh38
do for CAT in original stable
do for SAMPLE in NA12877 NA12878
do for TYPE in VCF BED
do mkdir -p ${BUILD}/${CAT}/${SAMPLE}/${TYPE}
Finally, download reference genomes for GRCh37 and GRCh38, and index:
wget -O ${REF_DIR}/GRCh37.fa.gz
gunzip ${REF_DIR}/GRCh37.fa.gz
samtools faidx ${REF_DIR}/GRCh37.fa
java -jar ${SCRIPT_DIR}/picard.jar CreateSequenceDictionary REFERENCE=${REF_DIR}/GRCh37.fa OUTPUT=${REF_DIR}/GRCh37.dict
wget -O ${REF_DIR}/GRCh38.fa
samtools faidx ${REF_DIR}/GRCh38.fa
java -jar ${SCRIPT_DIR}/picard.jar CreateSequenceDictionary REFERENCE=${REF_DIR}/GRCh38.fa OUTPUT=${REF_DIR}/GRCh38.dict
Select the original or the stable data (i.e. SNVs at CUPs pre-excluded):
# or
Additionally, select the WGS sample:
# or
Apply the algorithm:
Check that there are no entries in the files of CUPs for the second iteration. All commands should return zeroes for the files.
for FILE in $( find ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/VCF -iname "${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}_${TOOL}_${SOURCE}_2.reject.extract.bed" ) ; do wc -l ${FILE} ; done
for FILE in $( find ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/VCF -iname "${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}_${TOOL}_${TARGET}_2.reject.extract.bed" ) ; do wc -l ${FILE} ; done
for FILE in $( find ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/VCF -iname "${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}_${TOOL}_*_2.*jump*" ) ; do wc -l ${FILE} ; done
Combine the results.
FILES=( $( find ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/VCF/ -iname "${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}_${TOOL}_${TARGET}_*jump_CHR.bed" ) ) ; if [[ ${#FILES[@]} > 0 ]] ; then cat ${FILES[@]} | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.VCF.CHR_jump_1.bed ; else touch ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.VCF.CHR_jump_1.bed ; fi
FILES=( $( find ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/VCF/ -iname "${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}_${TOOL}_${SOURCE}_*jump_CHR.bed" ) ) ; if [[ ${#FILES[@]} > 0 ]] ; then cat ${FILES[@]} | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.VCF.CHR_jump_2.bed ; else touch ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.VCF.CHR_jump_2.bed ; fi
FILES=( $( find ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/VCF/ -iname "${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}_${TOOL}_${SOURCE}_*jump_POS.bed" ) ) ; if [[ ${#FILES[@]} > 0 ]] ; then cat ${FILES[@]} | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.VCF.POS_jump.bed ; else touch ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.VCF.POS_jump.bed ; fi
FILES=( $( find ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/VCF/ -iname "${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}_${TOOL}_${SOURCE}_*.reject.extract.bed" ) ) ; if [[ ${#FILES[@]} > 0 ]] ; then cat ${FILES[@]} | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.VCF.reject_1.bed ; else touch ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.VCF.reject_1.bed ; fi
FILES=( $( find ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/VCF/ -iname "${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}_${TOOL}_${TARGET}_*.reject.extract.bed" ) ) ; if [[ ${#FILES[@]} > 0 ]] ; then cat ${FILES[@]} | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.VCF.reject_2.bed ; else touch ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.VCF.reject_2.bed ; fi
FILES=( $( find ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/VCF/ -iname "${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}_${TOOL}_${SOURCE}_*.mismatch.bed" ) ) ; if [[ ${#FILES[@]} > 0 ]] ; then cat ${FILES[@]} | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.VCF.mismatch_1.bed ; else touch ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.VCF.mismatch_1.bed ; fi
FILES=( $( find ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/VCF/ -iname "${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}_${TOOL}_${TARGET}_*.mismatch.bed" ) ) ; if [[ ${#FILES[@]} > 0 ]] ; then cat ${FILES[@]} | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.VCF.mismatch_2.bed ; else touch ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.VCF.mismatch_2.bed ; fi
Convert VCF data to BED data
bcftools query -f "%CHROM\t%POS\t%REF\t%ALT\n" ${SOURCE}/${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}.vcf | awk -v OFS="\t" -v REF=${SOURCE} '{print $1,$2-1,$2,$1 "_" $2-1 "_" $3 "_" $4 "_" REF }' > ${SOURCE}/${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}.bed
Apply the algorithm:
Check that there are no entries in the files of CUPs for the second iteration. The first two commands should return zeroes for all files, and the third command should return nothing.
for FILE in $( find ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/BED -iname "${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}_${TOOL}_${SOURCE}_2.reject.extract.bed" ) ; do wc -l ${FILE} ; done
for FILE in $( find ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/BED -iname "${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}_${TOOL}_${TARGET}_2.reject.extract.bed" ) ; do wc -l ${FILE} ; done
for FILE in $( find ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/BED -iname "${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}_${TOOL}_*_2.*jump*" ) ; do wc -l ${FILE} ; done
Combine the results.
FILES=( $( find ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/BED/ -iname "${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}_${TOOL}_${TARGET}_*jump_CHR.bed" ) ) ; if [[ ${#FILES[@]} > 0 ]] ; then cat ${FILES[@]} | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.BED.CHR_jump_1.bed ; else touch ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.BED.CHR_jump_1.bed ; fi
FILES=( $( find ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/BED/ -iname "${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}_${TOOL}_${SOURCE}_*jump_CHR.bed" ) ) ; if [[ ${#FILES[@]} > 0 ]] ; then cat ${FILES[@]} | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.BED.CHR_jump_2.bed ; else touch ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.BED.CHR_jump_2.bed ; fi
FILES=( $( find ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/BED/ -iname "${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}_${TOOL}_${SOURCE}_*jump_POS.bed" ) ) ; if [[ ${#FILES[@]} > 0 ]] ; then cat ${FILES[@]} | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.BED.POS_jump.bed ; else touch ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.BED.POS_jump.bed ; fi
FILES=( $( find ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/BED/ -iname "${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}_${TOOL}_${SOURCE}_*.reject.extract.bed" ) ) ; if [[ ${#FILES[@]} > 0 ]] ; then cat ${FILES[@]} | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.BED.reject_1.bed ; else touch ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.BED.reject_1.bed ; fi
FILES=( $( find ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/BED/ -iname "${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.${CATEGORY}_${TOOL}_${TARGET}_*.reject.extract.bed" ) ) ; if [[ ${#FILES[@]} > 0 ]] ; then cat ${FILES[@]} | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.BED.reject_2.bed ; else touch ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.BED.reject_2.bed ; fi
The VCF-based data should be contained within the BED-based data, with differences arising only due to mis-matching reference alleles. To confirm this, we take the intersection of each of the categories from the BED-based data with the VCF-based data, and take the jaccard index of this intersection with the VCF-based data. This proportion overlap should be equal to 1 for all files, indicating that the VCF-based data is a subset of the BED-based data.
for BED in ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.BED.*.bed ; do VCF=$( echo ${BED} | sed -e 's/BED/VCF/g' ) ; echo -e "${BED}\t$(bedtools intersect -a ${VCF} -b ${BED} | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools jaccard -a - -b ${VCF} | cut -f3 | tail -1 )" ; done | column -t
Similarly, we can confirm that the BED-based data is contained within the full-genome data.
Note that for the stable
data, the novel CUP files should be empty, so the jaccard index will be -nan
Otherwise, these should all be equal to 1.
for BED in ${SOURCE}/${CATEGORY}/${SAMPLE}/${SAMPLE}.${TOOL}.${SOURCE}.${CATEGORY}.BED.*.bed ; do CAT=$( basename ${BED} | cut -f6 -d. ) ; echo -e "${BED}\t$(bedtools intersect -a ${BED} -b ${MAIN_DIR}/COMBINE/FASTA_BED.${TOOL}.ALL_${SOURCE}.${CAT}.bed | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools jaccard -a - -b ${BED} | cut -f3 | tail -1 )" ; done | column -t
We can confirm that pre-excluding variants at novel CUP positions (i.e. the stable
data) prior to conversion results in the same list of variants as applying the algorithm to the original, unfiltered data, and removing variants at novel CUPs.
is used to determine if the two VCF files have the same data, in particular the Genotype Comparison Summary.
In the output of the following, the discordance rate (final column) shold be zero for all classes of variants.
bgzip -c ${SOURCE}/original/${SAMPLE}/VCF/${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.original_${TOOL}_${TARGET}_2.pass.vcf > ${SOURCE}/original/${SAMPLE}/VCF/${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.original_${TOOL}_${TARGET}_2.pass.vcf.gz
tabix -f ${SOURCE}/original/${SAMPLE}/VCF/${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.original_${TOOL}_${TARGET}_2.pass.vcf.gz
bgzip -c ${SOURCE}/stable/${SAMPLE}/VCF/${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.stable_${TOOL}_${TARGET}_1.pass.vcf > ${SOURCE}/stable/${SAMPLE}/VCF/${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.stable_${TOOL}_${TARGET}_1.pass.vcf.gz
tabix -f ${SOURCE}/stable/${SAMPLE}/VCF/${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.stable_${TOOL}_${TARGET}_1.pass.vcf.gz
vcf-compare -g ${SOURCE}/original/${SAMPLE}/VCF/${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.original_${TOOL}_${TARGET}_2.pass.vcf.gz ${SOURCE}/stable/${SAMPLE}/VCF/${SAMPLE}.${SOURCE}.annotate.bi_SNV.stable_${TOOL}_${TARGET}_1.pass.vcf.gz | grep -E '^#GS|^GS'