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Plugin Compatibility Tester (PCT)

GitHub release (latest by date)

Generates a compatibility matrix for plugins against Jenkins core.

Running PCT

Running PCT in Docker

It is recommended to run PCT in the prepared Docker image. You can find it here.


This command will clone of a repository and run PCT against the latest Jenkins Core:

docker run -ti --rm -v maven-repo:/root/.m2 -v $(pwd)/out:/pct/out -e ARTIFACT_ID=ssh-slaves -e VERSION=ssh-slaves-1.24 jenkins/pct

This command will run PCT for the latest plugin version against the specified Jenkins WAR. PCT supports running against SNAPSHOT builds, but PCT will have to install local Maven artifacts in such case.

docker run -ti --rm -v maven-repo:/root/.m2 -v $(pwd)/out:/pct/out -v my/jenkins.war:/pct/jenkins.war:ro -e ARTIFACT_ID=ssh-slaves jenkins/pct

This command will run PCT against custom versions of Jenkins and the plugin specified by volumes.

docker run -ti --rm -v maven-repo:/root/.m2 -v $(pwd)/out:/pct/out -v my/jenkins.war:/pct/jenkins.war:ro -v my/plugin:/pct/plugin-src:ro jenkins/pct

The command below will run PCT for a branch in a custom repository.

docker run --rm -v maven-repo:/root/.m2 -v $(pwd)/out:/pct/out -e CHECKOUT_SRC= -e VERSION=JENKINS-26374 jenkins/pct

Full PCT runs using a war file as input with Docker

The PCT cli supports to pass a war file containing plugins (generated with Custom war Packager for example) as input, in this case the version of the plugins is infered from the war file contents.

In such scenarios is tipical to want to run the PCT for all plugins contained in the war file, to avoid having to spawn a new docker container for each plugin you can use the env variables DO_NOT_OVERRIDE_PCT_CHECKOUT=true and FAIL_ON_ERROR=false to let the PCT CLI (instead of the run-pct script) checkout the proper versions of the plugins and make sure the PCT does not stop before testing all plugins.

By using those env variables you can pass a comma separated list of plugins ids using the ARTIFACT_ID env variable

docker run -ti --rm -v maven-repo:/root/.m2 -v $(pwd)/out:/pct/out -v my/jenkins.war:/pct/jenkins.war:ro -e ARTIFACT_ID=ssh-slaves,credentials -e DO_NOT_OVERRIDE_PCT_CHECKOUT=true -e FAIL_ON_ERROR=false jenkins/pct


Environment variables:

  • ARTIFACT_ID - ID of the artifact to be tested. The image will be able to determine this ID automatically if CHECKOUT_SRC or /pct/plugin-src are defined.
  • VERSION - tag/commit/branch to be checked out and tested. master by default
  • CHECKOUT_SRC - Custom Git clone source (e.g.${ARTIFACT_ID}-plugin.git by default
  • JAVA_OPTS - Java options to be passed to the PCT CLI
  • DEBUG - Boolean flag, which enables the Remote Debug mode (port == 5000)
  • M2_SETTINGS_FILE - If set indicates the path of the custom maven settings file to use (see volumes below)
  • INSTALL_BUNDLED_SNAPSHOTS - Install JAR and plugin snapshots to local repository. true by default.
  • SKIP_LOCAL_SNAPSHOT_INSTALLATION - If exists WAR snapshots (core and plugins) will not be installed, if not present war snapshots will be installed


  • /pct/plugin-src - Plugin sources to be used for the PCT run. Sources will be checked out if not specified
  • /pct/jenkins.war - Jenkins WAR file to be used for the PCT run
  • /pct/m2-settings.xml - Custom Maven Settings (optional) if M2_SETTINGS_FILE environment variable exists run-pct will ignore this location and use the one specified in the variable
  • /pct/out - Output directory for PCT. All reports will be stored there
  • /pct/tmp - Temporary directory. Can be exposed to analyze run failures
  • /root/.m2 - Maven repository. It can be used to pass settings.xml or to cache artifacts

❗ Note that the entrypoint script of the PCT docker image tries to checkout the plugin sources before invoking the PCT if no war is provided. That means for plugins relying on PreCheckoutHooks (like multimodule ones) the standard docker run will fail to get sources as the PreCheckoutHooks are not run by the docker image entrypoint script. In that case possible workarounds are:

  • Using a war file
  • Download the sources of the plugin and use the /pct/plugin-src volume to inform the PCT about them
  • Use the docker image but override the entry point and run manually the PCT inside the image
  • Run the PCT manually as explained below

Running PCT manually

PCT offers the CLI interface which can be used to run PCT locally.

  • Download PCT and execute mvn clean install
  • Download plugin sources to a PLUGIN_SRC directory.
  • Checkout the plugin repo to a tag/commit/branch you want to test
  • Run mvn clean install -DskipTests to initialize artifacts
  • Go to PCT folder and run the CLI (make sure to modify paths according to your system). Example:
java -jar plugins-compat-tester-cli/target/plugins-compat-tester-cli.jar \
  -reportFile $(pwd)/out/report.xml \
  -workDirectory $(pwd)/tmp/work \
  -includePlugins ${PLUGIN_ARTIFACT_ID} \
  -war jenkins.war -localCheckoutDir ${PLUGIN_SRC} \
  -skipTestCache true \
  -failOnError \
  -mvn ${PATH_TO_MAVEN}

You can run the CLI with the -help argument to get a full list of supported options.

❗ For the moment testing more than one plugin at once requires plugins to be released, so for testing SNAPSHOTS you need to execute the last step for every plugin you want to test*

Running PCT with a BOM file

Plugin Compat Tester supports running test suites using a BOM file as source of truth as follows:

java -jar plugins-compat-tester-cli/target/plugins-compat-tester-cli.jar \
  -reportFile $(pwd)/out/report.xml \
  -workDirectory $(pwd)/tmp/work \
  -includePlugins ${PLUGIN_ARTIFACT_ID} \
  -skipTestCache true \
  -failOnError \
  -mvn ${PATH_TO_MAVEN}

Running PCT with custom Java versions

Plugin compat tester supports running Test Suites with a Java version different from the one being used to run PCT and build the plugins. For example, such mode can be used to run tests with JDK11 starting from Jenkins 2.163.

Two options can be passed to PCT CLI for such purpose:

  • testJDKHome - A path to JDK HOME to be used for running tests in plugins
  • testJavaArgs - Java test arguments to be used for test runs. This option may be used to pass custom classpath and, in Java 11, additional modules

You can run the example by running the following command:

make demo-jdk11 -e TEST_JDK_HOME=${YOUR_JDK11_HOME} -e PLUGIN_NAME=git

When using the Docker image, it is possible to use JDK_VERSION variable to select the version to use. The version needs to be bundled in the docker image. Currently Java 8 and Java 11 are bundled (JDK_VERSION= {8, 11}).

make demo-jdk11-docker -e JDK_VERSION=11 PLUGIN_NAME=git

Full list of options for JDK11 can be found here.

Running PCT with different version of dependencies

IMPORTANT: At this moment, the replacement of a dependency will not update the transitive dependencies. Because of this, you might have to provide on the same parameter the new versions of the transitive dependencies.

Plugin Compat Tester supports overriding the plugin dependency version. For example, we might want to validate that a newer version of a plugin is not breaking the latest version of the plugin we want to test.

To do that, the option overridenPlugins can be passed to PCT CLI. The format of the value must be PLUGIN_GROUP:PLUGIN_NAME=PLUGIN_VERSION.

So, running

java -jar plugins-compat-tester-cli/target/plugins-compat-tester-cli.jar \
  -overridenPlugins org.jenkins-ci.plugins:display-url-api=2.3.0
  -includePlugins mailer

will run the PCT on the mailer plugin, but replacing the display-url-api dependency of Mailer (which is 1.0) with the version 2.3.0.

For compatibility reasons, the PLUGIN_GROUP: part may be omitted, but only if the group ID could be inferred by other means: either that plugin being included in the -war, or no -war being passed but the plugin being present on the update center.

Running the PCT for plugins not following standard tag

If a plugin does not follow the standard tagging of the Jenkins community the PCT will not be able to find and checkout the proper code from github. For those cases the PCT provides a hook that will override the default checkout mechanism.

This hook reads the property file to get the information about the tag format used for the affected plugins. Each plugin that wishes to use this mechanism has to add a new property with the artifactId of the plugin as key and a value compatible with String.format the only argument allowed for the format string is the version to chekout.

You can also specify a minimum version for the plugin to be processed by the hook, for that you add a new entry in the aforementioned properties file with the key artifactId-minimumVersion and value the lowest version of the plugin for the hook to activate, if you do that the hook will ignore any run of the plugin if the specified version is lower than the one in the properties file.


Developer Info

Debugging PCT in Docker

If you need to debug a dockerized PCT instance, use the -e DEBUG=true -p 5005:5005 flags and then attach to the container using Remote Debugger in your IDE.

docker run --rm -v maven-repo:/root/.m2 -v $(pwd)/out:/pct/out -e ARTIFACT_ID=job-restrictions -e DEBUG=true -p 5005:5005 -i jenkins/pct

Running PCT Makefiles on Windows

Plugin Compat Tester support Windows on its own, but it might be tricky to get the development makefiles running there. The default guidance it to use Docker, but it might be impossible in some cases.

One needs to install Make and Maven on Windows (e.g. using Chocolatey packages) and then to properly setup the environment.

   set JAVA_HOME=...
   make demo-jdk8 -e PLUGIN_NAME=artifact-manager-s3 -e WAR_PATH=test-wars/mywar.war -e MVN_EXECUTABLE="C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin\mvn.exe" -e EXTRA_OPTS="-overridenPlugins 'io.jenkins:configuration-as-code=1.20'"

Useful links

  • Devoxx '11 BOF Presentation about Plugin Compat Tester is available here. This presentation is partially obsolete (GAE feature was removed in recent versions)


Jenkins Plugin Compatibility Tester







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