An Ethereum distributed app that manages insurance for travelers.
Software | Description |
Node v11 | We recommend node version manager to change version |
NPM v6 | Used to install other necessary modules |
Python v2.7.14 | Used in npm install , we recommend using pyenv to install |
Metamask | Ethereum wallet, we recommend the Chrome plugin here |
Ganache | Private blockchain, use npm install -g ganache-cli for CLI, or use this for GUI |
Truffle | Ethereum development suite, use npm install -g truffle to install |
Ethereum-Bridge | This is needed for the Oraclize engine to access our private network. use npm install -g ethereum-bridge to install |
If you are using node version manager,
nvm install 11
nvm use 11
If you are using pyenv,
pyenv install -v 2.7.14
After all that, install the necessary modules.
npm install
First, start up Ganache as well as Ethereum-Bridge.
ganache-cli # or start up Ganache GUI
ethereum-bridge --dev -H <host:port> -a 1
# if the above fails, try to build ethereum-bridge from source:
Finally, use Truffle to compile the contracts and start up the dApp.
truffle compile
truffle migrate
npm run start
After starting up the dApp:
Head to localhost:3000 and logout from any existing Metamask account
Switch network to private network eg. localhost:8545 (Ganache CLI default) or localhost:7545 (Ganache GUI default)
Restore account in Metamask with Ganache's mnemonic via "Import using account seed phrase"
Login to Metamask using the above restored account
Approve the connection
To run any test suites, use the following:
truffle test # for contract testing. yes we actually wrote tests.
npm run build
Check the wiki pages for all the report stuff and requirements for this project.
- 07/12/18 - Refactoring to decrease gas used on
by 130k. - 09/12/18 - Add return trip ticket support.