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V-pipe is a workflow designed for the analysis of next generation sequencing (NGS) data from viral pathogens. It produces a number of results in a curated format (e.g., consensus sequences, SNV calls, local/global haplotypes). V-pipe is written using the Snakemake workflow management system.
The present tutorial will show you how to apply V-pipe on HIV sequencing data.
The tutorial assumes that you have installed V-pipe using the installation tutorial, and that the workflow is setup with the following structure:
📁 [HOME]
├───📁V-pipe # V-pipe checked out from Github
├───📁Miniforge3 # bioconda + conda-forge + mamba + Snakemake
├───📁work # work directories
├───📁work-tests # …
└───📁 … # …
is the main directory where we installed everything in the previous tutorialMiniforge3
has dependencies to start using V-pipe (bioconda, conda-forge, mamba, snakemake)V-pipe
is the directory with V-pipe's own code- and for this tutorial we will create a directory like
, which will hold the configuration and the sequencing data for our analysis.
V-Pipe takes as an input raw data in FASTQ format and depending on the user-defined configuration will output consensus sequences, SNV calls and local/global haplotypes.
V-pipe expects the input samples to be organized in a two-level hierarchy:
At the first level, input files are grouped by samples (e.g.: patients or biological replicates of an experiment).
At the second level, different datasets belonging to the same sample (e.g., from sample dates) are distinguished.
Inside the 2nd-level directory, the sub-directory raw_data
holds the sequencing data in FASTQ format (optionally compressed with GZip).
Paired-ended reads need to be in split files with suffixes _R1
and _R2
│ └───📁date1
│ └───📁raw_data
│ ├───🧬reads_R1.fastq
│ └───🧬reads_R2.fastq
│ └───📁raw_data
│ ├───🧬reads_R1.fastq
│ └───🧬reads_R2.fastq
In the directory example_HIV_data
you find a small test dataset that you can run on your workstation or laptop.
The files will have the following structure:
│ └───📁4390
│ └───📁raw_data
│ ├───🧬reads_R1.fastq
│ └───🧬reads_R2.fastq
│ └───📁raw_data
│ ├───🧬reads_R1.fastq
│ └───🧬reads_R2.fastq
After, having installed V-pipe using the installation tutorial, create a new working directory for this analysis:
cd vp-analysis
# create a new directory and initialise it
mkdir -p work_hiv
cd work_hiv
cd ../..
Copy the samples directory you created in the step "Preparing a small dataset" to this working directory. (You can display the directory structure with tree vp-analysis/work_hiv/resources/samples
or find vp-analysis/work_hiv/resources/samples
mkdir -p vp-analysis/work_hiv/resources
mv vp-analysis/V-pipe/docs/example_HIV_data/samples vp-analysis/work_hiv/resources/samples
Note that:
- by default V-pipe expects its samples in a directory
contained directly in the working directory - i.e. `vp-analysis/work_hiv/sample`` - in this tutorial we put them inside the
subdirectory, and will set the config file accordingly.
If you have a reference sequences that you would like to use for read mapping and alignment, then add it to the resources/reference/ref.fasta
directory. In our case, however, we will use the reference sequence HXB2 already provided by V-Pipe V-pipe/resources/hiv/HXB2.fasta
In the work_hiv
directory you can find the file config.yaml
. This is where the V-Pipe configuation should be specified. See here for the documentation of the configuration.
In this tutorial we are building our own configuration therefore virus_base_config
will remain empty. Since we are working with HIV-1, V-Pipe is providing meta information that will be used for visualisation (metainfo_file and gff_directory).
cat <<EOT > ./vp-analysis/work_hiv/config.yaml
virus_base_config: ""
aligner: bwa
snv_caller: shorah
haplotype_reconstruction: haploclique
reference: "{VPIPE_BASEDIR}/../resources/hiv/HXB2.fasta"
metainfo_file: "{VPIPE_BASEDIR}/../resources/hiv/metainfo.yaml"
gff_directory: "{VPIPE_BASEDIR}/../resources/hiv/gffs/"
# NOTE: this input datadir isn't standard
datadir: resources/samples/
read_length: 301
samples_file: samples.tsv
paired: true
consensus: false
snv: true
local: true
global: true
visualization: true
QA: false
diversity: true
Note: A YAML files use spaces as indentation, you can use 2 or 4 spaces for indentation, but no tab. There are also online YAML file validators that you might want to use if your YAML file is wrongly formatted.
Before running check what will be executed:
cd vp-analysis/work_hiv/
./vpipe --dryrun
cd ../..
As this is your first run of V-pipe, it will also generate the sample collection table. Check samples.tsv
in your editor.
Note that the samples you have downloaded have reads of length 301 only. V-pipe’s default parameters are optimized for reads of length 250. To adapt to the read length, add a third column in the tab-separated file as follows:
cat <<EOT > vp-analysis/work_hiv/samples.tsv
CAP217 4390 301
CAP188 4 301
CAP188 30 301
Always check the content of the samples.tsv
If you did not use the correct directory structure, this file might end up empty or some entries might be missing.
You can safely delete it and re-run with option --dry-run
to regenerate it.
Finally, we can run the V-pipe analysis (the necessary dependencies will be downloaded and installed in conda environments managed by snakemake):
cd vp-analysis/work_hiv/
./vpipe -p --cores 2
cd -
The Wiki contains an overview of the output files. The output of the SNV calling step is aggregated in a standard VCF file, located in results/{hierarchy}/variants/SNVs/snvs.vcf
. You can open it with your favorite VCF tools for visualisation or downstream processing. It is also available in a tabular format in results/{hierarchy}/variants/SNVs/snvs.csv
The default configuration uses ShoRAH to call the SNVs and to reconstruct the local (windowed) haplotypes.
Components of the pipeline can be swapped simply by changing the config.yaml
file. For example to call SNVs using lofreq instead of ShoRAH use
snv_caller: lofreq