Part of the Open Budgets India Project
Find downloadable data, visualisations and other useful information related to a number of schemes run by the Union and State Governments.
Visit Schemes Dashboard
- 📱 Responsive: Use Desktop, Laptop or Mobile devices. It's optimized for all.
- ♿ Accessible: The platform is screen-reader friendly.
- 🚀 Performant: It's fast!
- 🌐 JAMStack: Next.js with Ckan as headless DMS to make development process fast and efficient.
- 💄 BEM & SASS: The platform utilizes BEM methodology with SASS to make styling efficient and maintainable.
Make sure to have a recent version of Node. You'll need Node 10.13 or later.
The platform uses Ckan DMS as the backend to fetch data from. It utlizes Ckan API to achieve that.
┣ components/
┣ utils/
┣ pages/
┣ public/
┃ ┣ Images/
┃ ┣ tools/
┣ style/
┃ ┣ pages/
┃ ┣ tools/
This project follows BEM Methodology with Sass Preprocessor to make styling more efficient and future maintainable. Have a look around different files to know more about it. You can learn more about styling directory here
It is a component-based project which makes it easier to add, edit or remove features in the future.
All the components are available at /components
. Each component has its folder with its styling file is included. This makes it easier to use that component on some other project.
All of the functions used to fetch data from Ckan are stored at /utils/api.js
. Learn more here
All the heavy processing of fetching data especially xlsx
file, converting them to object is done during build time. This gives the fastest experience for users, although it increases the build time significantly.
Fetching data for different available schemes on Ckan:
export async function getStaticProps() {
const data = await fetchQuery('schemeType', 'Centrally Sponsored Scheme')
return {
props: {
cardsData: => ({
name: scheme.extras[0].value,
revalidate: 1,
revalidate: 1
- allows us to create or update static pages after building the site. Read
Incremental Static Regeneration
In our project, we have one dynamic route, /scheme/[scheme].js
. Dynamic routes requires getStaticPaths
to list paths during build time. Read more.
export async function getStaticPaths() {
const data = await fetchQuery('schemeType', 'Centrally Sponsored Scheme')
return {
paths: => ({
params: {
fallback: false,
export async function getStaticProps({ params }) {
const scheme = await dataTransform(params.scheme)
const related = await fetchRelated(, scheme.metadata.type)
const news = await fetchNews(params.scheme)
return {
props: { scheme, related, news },
revalidate: 1,
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd schemes-dashboard
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server in development
npm run dev
or build and start production mode
npm run build && npm run start
For any new feature or bug reports, please request it in issues.
See for ways to get started.
Please adhere to Code of Conduct.