Three neat tools for disk-drives and SD2IEC, especially with Jiffy-DOS support.
Copy files from SD2IEC and vice versa. Supports copying files from or to D64 and folders.
Useful for handling the SD2IEC. A very small and fast tool.
The classical tool for copying files between real drives. A convertion from the known C64-tool.
DraCopy and Directory-Browser are very powerful using Jiffy-DOS in all devices.
make - creates roms for the standard-cartridge (c1lo/c1hi)
make run - launches xplus4 with attached roms
make clean - deletes roms
Useful for handling the SD2IEC
In some cases the File-Copiers colored texts blink after prg-start. Select the function to show the directory and after showing it, all text are normalized.
All in all it runs stable and useful.
Have fun !