Command-line tools used by transrate for processing bam files. Written in C++ and using Bamtools.
transrate-tools uses C++11 features, so you'll need at least g++ 4.7 installed. On OSX you can install the latest gcc with brew install gcc49
. Note that on OSX you always need to tell cmake
where to find gcc, using the option -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$(which g++-4.9)
Make sure you clone with submodules:
$ git clone --recursive
And you'll need cmake installed.
Next, build bamtools:
on linux:
$ cd bamtools
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make
$ cd ../../
or on OSX:
$ cd bamtools
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$(which g++-4.9) ..
$ make
$ cd ../../
Then build transrate-tools...
on linux:
$ cmake .
$ make
on OSX:
$ cmake -DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER=$(which g++-4.9) .
$ make
The executables are called bam-read
and bam-split
and will be in the src
Parse bam files to separate records that will be filtered by eXpress so that they can be merged back in to the sampled assignments for multi-mapping reads.
Parse bam files after multi-mapping reads have been assigned and aggregate read mapping information by contig.
Currently captured:
- name
- bases mapped
- edit distance
- bridges
- length
- reads mapped
- both mapped
- proper pair
- good
- uncovered bases
- mean mapq
- probability of coverage not being segmented