Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | str | Unique ID of the method. | [optional] |
virtualized_api_id | str | The identifier of the VirtualizedAPI. | [optional] |
name | str | The virtualized method name. This defaults to the original APIDefinition method name. | [optional] |
api_id | str | The reference identifier for the original APIDefinition that was virtualized. | [optional] |
api_method_id | str | The reference identifier for the original API APIDefinition method that was virtualized. | [optional] |
summary | str | A summary of the API Method. | [optional] |
description_type | str | The source for the method's description. One of: original, manual, markdown, or url. Defaults to original. | [optional] |
description_manual | str | Specifies a manual description, which can be markdown text. | [optional] |
description_markdown | str | specifies a markdown file to use for description. | [optional] |
description_url | str | Specifies a URL to use instead of description text. | [optional] |
tags | dict(str, list[str]) | The list of tags associated with this API method. Each tag can have multiple values. | [optional] |