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No description provided (generated by Swagger Codegen

This Python package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 1.3.0
  • Package version: 1.0.0
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.PythonClientCodegen


Python 2.7 and 3.4+

Installation & Usage

pip install

If the python package is hosted on Github, you can install directly from Github

pip install git+

(you may need to run pip with root permission: sudo pip install git+

Then import the package:

import swagger_client 


Install via Setuptools.

python install --user

(or sudo python install to install the package for all users)

Then import the package:

import swagger_client

Getting Started

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

from __future__ import print_function
import time
import swagger_client
from import ApiException
from pprint import pprint

# Configure HTTP basic authorization: basic
configuration = swagger_client.Configuration()
configuration.username = 'YOUR_USERNAME'
configuration.password = 'YOUR_PASSWORD'

# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.APIDiscoveryApi(swagger_client.ApiClient(configuration))

    # Lists all APIs/services virtualised in the API Server.
    api_response = api_instance.discovery_apis_get()
except ApiException as e:
    print("Exception when calling APIDiscoveryApi->discovery_apis_get: %s\n" % e)

Documentation for API Endpoints

All URIs are relative to https://localhost/api/portal/v1.3

Class Method HTTP request Description
APIDiscoveryApi discovery_apis_get GET /discovery/apis Lists all APIs/services virtualised in the API Server.
APIDiscoveryApi discovery_oauthresources_get GET /discovery/oauthresources Gets a list OAuth protected resources and their associated scopes.
APIDiscoveryApi discovery_scopes_get GET /discovery/scopes Retrieves every resource on the API Server that is protected by OAuth, and the scopes that cover those resources
APIDiscoveryApi discovery_sdk_id_platform_get GET /discovery/sdk/{id}/{platform} Generates an SDK package for the specified API based on the type of the client requested
APIDiscoveryApi discovery_swagger_api_id_id_get GET /discovery/swagger/api/id/{id} Retrieves an extended Swagger feed for the specified API.
APIDiscoveryApi discovery_swagger_api_name_get GET /discovery/swagger/api/{name} Retrieves an extended Swagger feed for the specified API.
APIDiscoveryApi discovery_swagger_apis_get GET /discovery/swagger/apis Convenience method for retrieving all Swagger feeds for all virtualised services.
APIDiscoveryApi discovery_swagger_apis_id_image_get GET /discovery/swagger/apis/{id}/image Retrieves the API image
APIDiscoveryApi discovery_swagger_apis_id_service_definition_get GET /discovery/swagger/apis/{id}/service-definition Retrieves the service definition of the API.
APIManagerServicesApi alerts_get GET /alerts Gets the alerts configured for the API Manager
APIManagerServicesApi alerts_post POST /alerts Updates the API Manager alerts configuration
APIManagerServicesApi appinfo_get GET /appinfo Gets API Manager feature information.
APIManagerServicesApi certinfo_post POST /certinfo Extracts certificate information from the supplied data
APIManagerServicesApi config_customproperties_get GET /config/customproperties Gets API Manager custom property metadata
APIManagerServicesApi config_get GET /config Gets API Manager configuration
APIManagerServicesApi config_put PUT /config Updates the API Manager configuration
APIManagerServicesApi connectors_connector_id_get GET /connectors/{connectorId} Return a list of APIs for the specified connector
APIManagerServicesApi connectors_connector_id_login_post POST /connectors/{connectorId}/login Login to an external service from which APIs will be imported
APIManagerServicesApi connectors_get GET /connectors Return a list of API connectors
APIManagerServicesApi filedata_post POST /filedata Returns the DataURI representation of the uploaded file
APIManagerServicesApi license_get GET /license Checks that the API Manager has a valid license
APIManagerServicesApi listeners_get GET /listeners Gets the API Manager listeners
APIManagerServicesApi oauthclientprofiles_get GET /oauthclientprofiles Get a list of OAuth profiles for use in backend API authorisation
APIManagerServicesApi policies_get GET /policies Gets a list of the specified policies
APIManagerServicesApi remotehosts_get GET /remotehosts Returns a list of remote hosts
APIManagerServicesApi remotehosts_id_delete DELETE /remotehosts/{id} Deletes a remote host.
APIManagerServicesApi remotehosts_id_put PUT /remotehosts/{id} Updates a remote host
APIManagerServicesApi remotehosts_post POST /remotehosts Creates a new remote host
APIManagerServicesApi service_discovery_instance_type_post POST /service-discovery/{instance}/{type} Returns a list of services hosted on the specified Gateway instance
APIManagerServicesApi sysconfig_get GET /sysconfig Gets API Manager system configuration
APIManagerServicesApi sysconfig_put PUT /sysconfig Update API Manager system configuration
APIManagerServicesApi title_get GET /title Gets the API Manager's title
APIManagerServicesApi tokenstores_get GET /tokenstores Gets a list of Token Stores
APIManagerServicesApi topology_post POST /topology Retrieves the Topology from the specified Admin Node Manager
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_export_id_get GET /proxies/export/{id} Downloads an API export.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_export_post POST /proxies/export Creates an API export.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_get GET /proxies Queries a list of frontend API.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_grantaccess_post POST /proxies/grantaccess Macro function to grant API access.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_id_applications_get GET /proxies/{id}/applications Gets a list of Applications that have been granted access to the specified frontend API.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_id_delete DELETE /proxies/{id} Deletes an API proxy.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_id_deprecate_post POST /proxies/{id}/deprecate Deprecates the API.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_id_get GET /proxies/{id} Gets a frontend API by ID.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_id_image_get GET /proxies/{id}/image Gets the image for the API.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_id_image_post POST /proxies/{id}/image Set the image for the frontend API.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_id_operations_get GET /proxies/{id}/operations Gets a list of methods that are avilable to the API proxy.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_id_operations_operation_id_delete DELETE /proxies/{id}/operations/{operationId} Deletes an API method by ID.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_id_operations_operation_id_get GET /proxies/{id}/operations/{operationId} Gets an API method by ID.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_id_operations_operation_id_put PUT /proxies/{id}/operations/{operationId} Updates an API proxy operation.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_id_publish_post POST /proxies/{id}/publish Publish the API.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_id_put PUT /proxies/{id} Updates an API proxy.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_id_undeprecate_post POST /proxies/{id}/undeprecate Undeprecates the API.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_id_unpublish_post POST /proxies/{id}/unpublish Unpublish the API.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_import_from_url_post POST /proxies/importFromUrl Imports a previously exported API.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_import_post POST /proxies/import Imports a previously exported API.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_post POST /proxies Creates a new API proxy from a backend API.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_promote_post POST /proxies/promote Invokes the internal API promotion policy for the specified API.
APIProxyRegistrationApi proxies_upgrade_id_post POST /proxies/upgrade/{id} Upgrades an existing frontend API to a newer frontend API.
APIRepositoryApi apirepo_get GET /apirepo Get the list of API
APIRepositoryApi apirepo_id_delete DELETE /apirepo/{id} Deletes an API.
APIRepositoryApi apirepo_id_download_get GET /apirepo/{id}/download Downloads an API by ID.
APIRepositoryApi apirepo_id_get GET /apirepo/{id} Get an API by ID
APIRepositoryApi apirepo_id_methods_get GET /apirepo/{id}/methods Queries the list of API methods
APIRepositoryApi apirepo_id_methods_method_id_delete DELETE /apirepo/{id}/methods/{methodId} Delete an API method
APIRepositoryApi apirepo_id_methods_method_id_get GET /apirepo/{id}/methods/{methodId} Get API method by ID.
APIRepositoryApi apirepo_id_methods_method_id_put PUT /apirepo/{id}/methods/{methodId} Update an API method
APIRepositoryApi apirepo_id_methods_post POST /apirepo/{id}/methods Create an API method
APIRepositoryApi apirepo_id_put PUT /apirepo/{id} Updates an API
APIRepositoryApi apirepo_import_from_external_post POST /apirepo/importFromExternal Create one or more backend APIs for an external service
APIRepositoryApi apirepo_import_from_gw_post POST /apirepo/importFromGw Create an API definition by importing a PolicyStudio-registered web service (REST or WSDL) hosted on the the API Gateway
APIRepositoryApi apirepo_import_from_url_post POST /apirepo/importFromUrl Create an API by loading a file from URL.
APIRepositoryApi apirepo_import_post POST /apirepo/import Create an API by uploading a file
APIRepositoryApi apirepo_post POST /apirepo Create an API definition
ApplicationsApi applications_get GET /applications Get the list of applications
ApplicationsApi applications_id_apikeys_apikeyid_put PUT /applications/{id}/apikeys/{apikeyid} Updates an API Key
ApplicationsApi applications_id_apikeys_get GET /applications/{id}/apikeys Returns the API Keys associated with an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_apikeys_key_id_delete DELETE /applications/{id}/apikeys/{keyId} Delete an API Key
ApplicationsApi applications_id_apikeys_post POST /applications/{id}/apikeys Creates a new API Key and secret for the application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_apis_api_access_id_approve_post POST /applications/{id}/apis/{apiAccessId}/approve Creates an API access request to an API for an application.
ApplicationsApi applications_id_apis_api_access_id_delete DELETE /applications/{id}/apis/{apiAccessId} Deletes access to an API for an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_apis_api_access_id_put PUT /applications/{id}/apis/{apiAccessId} Updates access to an API for an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_apis_get GET /applications/{id}/apis Get the list of APIs that the application can access
ApplicationsApi applications_id_apis_post POST /applications/{id}/apis Create a request for an application to access an API.
ApplicationsApi applications_id_approve_post POST /applications/{id}/approve Approves a pending application request
ApplicationsApi applications_id_availablescopes_get GET /applications/{id}/availablescopes Returns the scopes available to an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_delete DELETE /applications/{id} Delete an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_extclients_get GET /applications/{id}/extclients Returns the external clients associated with an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_extclients_object_id_delete DELETE /applications/{id}/extclients/{objectId} Delete an external client
ApplicationsApi applications_id_extclients_object_id_put PUT /applications/{id}/extclients/{objectId} Updates an external client for the application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_extclients_post POST /applications/{id}/extclients Maps a new external client to the application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_get GET /applications/{id} Get an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_image_get GET /applications/{id}/image Get the image for an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_image_post POST /applications/{id}/image Adds a JPEG image to an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_oauth_client_id_put PUT /applications/{id}/oauth/{clientId} Updates an OAuth Credential for the application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_oauth_clientid_newsecret_put PUT /applications/{id}/oauth/{clientid}/newsecret Updates an OAuth Credential for an application by generating a new secret
ApplicationsApi applications_id_oauth_get GET /applications/{id}/oauth Returns the OAuth Credentials associated with an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_oauth_oauth_id_delete DELETE /applications/{id}/oauth/{oauthId} Delete an OAuth client ID and secret
ApplicationsApi applications_id_oauth_post POST /applications/{id}/oauth Creates a new OAuth client ID and secret for the application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_oauthresource_get GET /applications/{id}/oauthresource Returns the OAuth protected resources (scopes) associated with an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_oauthresource_post POST /applications/{id}/oauthresource Adds an OAuth protected resource to an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_oauthresource_resource_id_delete DELETE /applications/{id}/oauthresource/{resourceId} Remove an OAuth protected resource from an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_oauthresource_resource_id_put PUT /applications/{id}/oauthresource/{resourceId} Updates a protected resource associate with an application, sets enabled to true/false
ApplicationsApi applications_id_permissions_get GET /applications/{id}/permissions Get the list of permissions.
ApplicationsApi applications_id_permissions_perm_id_delete DELETE /applications/{id}/permissions/{permId} Remove a permission
ApplicationsApi applications_id_permissions_perm_id_put PUT /applications/{id}/permissions/{permId} Modify a permission
ApplicationsApi applications_id_permissions_post POST /applications/{id}/permissions Create a new permission.
ApplicationsApi applications_id_put PUT /applications/{id} Update an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_quota_delete DELETE /applications/{id}/quota Deletes a quota from an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_quota_get GET /applications/{id}/quota Returns the quota associated with an application.
ApplicationsApi applications_id_quota_post POST /applications/{id}/quota Creates a new quota constraint for the application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_quota_put PUT /applications/{id}/quota Updates a quota contraint for an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_scope_get GET /applications/{id}/scope Returns the scopes associated with an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_scope_post POST /applications/{id}/scope Adds an OAuth protected resource to an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_scope_scope_id_delete DELETE /applications/{id}/scope/{scopeId} Remove an OAuth protected resource from an application
ApplicationsApi applications_id_scope_scope_id_put PUT /applications/{id}/scope/{scopeId} Updates a scope associated with an application, sets default to true/false
ApplicationsApi applications_oauthclient_client_id_get GET /applications/oauthclient/{clientId} Get an application associated with an OAuth Client ID
ApplicationsApi applications_post POST /applications Creates a new application.
CurrentUserApi currentuser_changepassword_post POST /currentuser/changepassword Modify the current user's password
CurrentUserApi currentuser_get GET /currentuser Get the current user
CurrentUserApi currentuser_put PUT /currentuser Modify the current user
LoginApi login_delete DELETE /login Logout from API Manager
LoginApi login_post POST /login Login to API Manager
MetricsApi metrics_fields_get GET /metrics/fields Gets a list of metric field names available for summary and timeline queries.
MetricsApi metrics_reports_type_summary_level_get GET /metrics/reports/{type}/summary/{level} Gets a summary report for application usage
MetricsApi metrics_reports_type_timeline_level_metric_type_get GET /metrics/reports/{type}/timeline/{level}/{metricType} Gets a timeline report for application usage
MigrateApi migrate_applications_export_create_post POST /migrate/applications/export/create Creates a set of export options associated with the current http session
MigrateApi migrate_applications_export_download_get GET /migrate/applications/export/download Exports Application data for migration to other API Gateways
MigrateApi migrate_applications_export_json_post POST /migrate/applications/export/json Creates an export of applications based on the export options posted as a JSON object
MigrateApi migrate_applications_export_post POST /migrate/applications/export Creates an export of applications based on the export options posted in a form data
MigrateApi migrate_applications_import_post POST /migrate/applications/import Imports applications to the API Gateway
OAuthAuthorizationsApi authorizations_authzid_delete DELETE /authorizations/{authzid} Delete the OAuth Authorization for the given authorization id.
OAuthAuthorizationsApi authorizations_get GET /authorizations Retrieve all stored OAuth Authorizations for the logged in user.
OAuthAuthorizationsApi authorizations_owner_subjectid_application_appid_delete DELETE /authorizations/owner/{subjectid}/application/{appid}
OrganizationsApi organizations_get GET /organizations List all organizations
OrganizationsApi organizations_id_apis_api_access_id_delete DELETE /organizations/{id}/apis/{apiAccessId} Deletes access to an API for an organization
OrganizationsApi organizations_id_apis_api_access_id_put PUT /organizations/{id}/apis/{apiAccessId} Updates access to an API for an organization
OrganizationsApi organizations_id_apis_get GET /organizations/{id}/apis Get the list of approved APIs for the organization
OrganizationsApi organizations_id_apis_post POST /organizations/{id}/apis Grants access to an API for an organization.
OrganizationsApi organizations_id_delete DELETE /organizations/{id} Delete an organization
OrganizationsApi organizations_id_get GET /organizations/{id} Get an organization
OrganizationsApi organizations_id_image_get GET /organizations/{id}/image Get the image for an organization
OrganizationsApi organizations_id_image_post POST /organizations/{id}/image Set the image for an organization
OrganizationsApi organizations_id_put PUT /organizations/{id} Update the details of an organization
OrganizationsApi organizations_id_tokens_get GET /organizations/{id}/tokens Get registration codes for an organization
OrganizationsApi organizations_id_tokens_post POST /organizations/{id}/tokens Create a registration code
OrganizationsApi organizations_id_tokens_token_delete DELETE /organizations/{id}/tokens/{token} Delete the registration code
OrganizationsApi organizations_id_tokens_token_get GET /organizations/{id}/tokens/{token} Get registration code
OrganizationsApi organizations_id_tokens_token_put PUT /organizations/{id}/tokens/{token} Update a registration code
OrganizationsApi organizations_post POST /organizations Creates a new organization
QuotasApi quotas_get GET /quotas Returns all quotas
QuotasApi quotas_id_delete DELETE /quotas/{id} Deletes a quota
QuotasApi quotas_id_get GET /quotas/{id} Returns the quota with the given ID
QuotasApi quotas_id_put PUT /quotas/{id} Updates a quota
QuotasApi quotas_post POST /quotas Creates a new quota
UsersApi users_forgotpassword_post POST /users/forgotpassword Allows a user to reset their password.
UsersApi users_get GET /users Obtains a list of users
UsersApi users_id_approve_post POST /users/{id}/approve Grants approval to a request to create a new user on the system.
UsersApi users_id_changepassword_post POST /users/{id}/changepassword Updates the password for a given user.
UsersApi users_id_delete DELETE /users/{id} Deletes a user.
UsersApi users_id_get GET /users/{id} Retrieves the details for a given user.
UsersApi users_id_image_get GET /users/{id}/image Get the image for a user
UsersApi users_id_image_post POST /users/{id}/image Set the image for a user
UsersApi users_id_put PUT /users/{id} Updates the details for a given user.
UsersApi users_id_resetpassword_put PUT /users/{id}/resetpassword Admin level function to reset the password for a given user.
UsersApi users_post POST /users Admin function to create a new user on the system
UsersApi users_register_post POST /users/register Register a new user.
UsersApi users_resetpassword_get GET /users/resetpassword Validates the user /forgotpassword password request.
UsersApi users_validateuser_get GET /users/validateuser Validates the user /register request.

Documentation For Models

Documentation For Authorization


  • Type: HTTP basic authentication



Python SDK for API Manager






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