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This module allows you to create opinionated Google Cloud Platform BigQuery datasets and tables.


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This module allows you to create opinionated Google Cloud Platform BigQuery datasets and tables. This will allow the user to programmatically create an empty table schema inside of a dataset, ready for loading. Additional user accounts and permissions are necessary to begin querying the newly created table(s).


This module is meant for use with Terraform 0.13+ and tested using Terraform 1.0+. If you find incompatibilities using Terraform >=0.13, please open an issue. If you haven't upgraded and need a Terraform 0.12.x-compatible version of this module, the last released version intended for Terraform 0.12.x is v4.5.0.


The current version is 4.X. The following guides are available to assist with upgrades:


Basic usage of this module is as follows:

module "bigquery" {
  source  = "terraform-google-modules/bigquery/google"
  version = "~> 7.0"

  dataset_id                  = "foo"
  dataset_name                = "foo"
  description                 = "some description"
  project_id                  = "<PROJECT ID>"
  location                    = "US"
  default_table_expiration_ms = 3600000

  tables = [
    table_id           = "foo",
    schema             =  "<SCHEMA JSON DATA>",
    time_partitioning  = {
      type                     = "DAY",
      field                    = null,
      require_partition_filter = false,
      expiration_ms            = null,
    range_partitioning = null,
    expiration_time = null,
    clustering      = ["fullVisitorId", "visitId"],
    labels          = {
      env      = "dev"
      billable = "true"
      owner    = "joedoe"
    description = "foo entities",
    table_id           = "bar",
    schema             =  "<SCHEMA JSON DATA>",
    time_partitioning  = null,
    range_partitioning = {
      field = "customer_id",
      range = {
        start    = "1"
        end      = "100",
        interval = "10",
    expiration_time    = 2524604400000, # 2050/01/01
    clustering         = [],
    labels = {
      env      = "devops"
      billable = "true"
      owner    = "joedoe"
    description = "bar entities",

  views = [
      view_id    = "barview",
      use_legacy_sql = false,
      query          = <<EOF
        approved_user = SESSION_USER
      labels = {
        env      = "devops"
        billable = "true"
        owner    = "joedoe"
  dataset_labels = {
    env      = "dev"
    billable = "true"

Functional examples are included in the examples directory.

Variable tables detailed description

The tables variable should be provided as a list of object with the following keys:

  table_id = "some_id"                        # Unique table id (will be used as ID for table).
  table_name = "Friendly Name"                # Optional friendly name for table. If not set, the "table_id" will be used by default.
  schema = file("path/to/schema.json")        # Schema as JSON string.
  time_partitioning = {                       # Set it to `null` to omit partitioning configuration for the table.
        type                     = "DAY",     # The only type supported is DAY, which will generate one partition per day based on data loading time.
        field                    = null,      # The field used to determine how to create a time-based partition. If time-based partitioning is enabled without this value, the table is partitioned based on the load time. Set it to `null` to omit configuration.
        require_partition_filter = false,     # If set to true, queries over this table require a partition filter that can be used for partition elimination to be specified. Set it to `null` to omit configuration.
        expiration_ms            = null,      # Number of milliseconds for which to keep the storage for a partition.
  range_partitioning = {                      # Set it to `null` to omit partitioning configuration for the table.
    field = "integer_column",                 # The column used to create the integer range partitions.
    range = {
      start    = "1"                          # The start of range partitioning, inclusive.
      end      = "100",                       # The end of range partitioning, exclusive.
      interval = "10",                        # The width of each range within the partition.
  clustering = ["fullVisitorId", "visitId"]   # Specifies column names to use for data clustering. Up to four top-level columns are allowed, and should be specified in descending priority order. Partitioning should be configured in order to use clustering.
  expiration_time = 2524604400000             # The time when this table expires, in milliseconds since the epoch. If set to `null`, the table will persist indefinitely.
  deletion_protection = true                  # Optional. Configures deletion_protection for the table. If unset, module-level deletion_protection setting will be used.
  labels = {                                  # A mapping of labels to assign to the table.
      env      = "dev"
      billable = "true"
  description = "A long description"          # Text describing the contents or purpose of the table.

Variable views detailed description

The views variable should be provided as a list of object with the following keys:

  view_id = "some_id"                                                # Unique view id. it will be set to friendly name as well
  query = "Select user_id, name from `project_id.dataset_id.table`"  # the Select query that will create the view. Tables should be created before.
  use_legacy_sql = false                                             # whether to use legacy sql or standard sql
  labels = {                                                         # A mapping of labels to assign to the view.
      env      = "dev"
      billable = "true"
  description = "A long description"                                 # Text describing the contents or purpose of the view.
  schema = "<SCHEMA JSON DATA>"                                      # (Optional) JSON schema, to allow setting options such as field description

Variable routines detailed description

The routines variable should be provided as a list of object with the following keys:

  routine_id = "some_id"                     # The ID of the routine. The ID must contain only letters, numbers, or underscores. The maximum length is 256 characters.
  routine_type = "PROCEDURE"                 # The type of routine. Possible values are SCALAR_FUNCTION and PROCEDURE.
  language = "SQL"                           # The language of the routine. Possible values are SQL and JAVASCRIPT.
  definition_body = "CREATE FUNCTION test return x*y;"  # The body of the routine. For functions, this is the expression in the AS clause. If language=SQL, it is the substring inside (but excluding) the parentheses.
  return_type     = null                     # A JSON schema for the return type. Optional if language = "SQL"; required otherwise. If absent, the return type is inferred from definitionBody at query time in each query that references this routine. If present, then the evaluated result will be cast to the specified returned type at query time.
  description = "Description"               # The description of the routine if defined.
  arguments = [                             # Set it to `null` to omit arguments block configuration for the routine.
      name      = "x",                      # The name of this argument. Can be absent for function return argument.
      data_type = null,                     # A JSON schema for the data type. Required unless argumentKind = ANY_TYPE.
      argument_kind = "ANY_TYPE"            # Defaults to FIXED_TYPE. Default value is FIXED_TYPE. Possible values are FIXED_TYPE and ANY_TYPE.
      mode = null                           # Specifies whether the argument is input or output. Can be set for procedures only. Possible values are IN, OUT, and INOUT.

A detailed example with authorized views can be found here.


This module provisions a dataset and a list of tables with associated JSON schemas and views from queries.


Name Description Type Default Required
access An array of objects that define dataset access for one or more entities. any
"role": "roles/bigquery.dataOwner",
"special_group": "projectOwners"
authorized_datasets An array of datasets to be authorized on the dataset
dataset_id = string,
project_id = string,
[] no
authorized_views An array of views to give authorize for the dataset
dataset_id = string,
project_id = string,
table_id = string # this is the view id, but we keep table_id to stay consistent as the resource
[] no
dataset_id Unique ID for the dataset being provisioned. string n/a yes
dataset_labels Key value pairs in a map for dataset labels map(string) {} no
dataset_name Friendly name for the dataset being provisioned. string null no
default_table_expiration_ms TTL of tables using the dataset in MS number null no
delete_contents_on_destroy (Optional) If set to true, delete all the tables in the dataset when destroying the resource; otherwise, destroying the resource will fail if tables are present. bool null no
deletion_protection Whether or not to allow Terraform to destroy the instance. Unless this field is set to false in Terraform state, a terraform destroy or terraform apply that would delete the instance will fail. bool false no
description Dataset description. string null no
encryption_key Default encryption key to apply to the dataset. Defaults to null (Google-managed). string null no
external_tables A list of objects which include table_id, expiration_time, external_data_configuration, and labels.
table_id = string,
description = optional(string),
autodetect = bool,
compression = string,
ignore_unknown_values = bool,
max_bad_records = number,
schema = string,
source_format = string,
source_uris = list(string),
csv_options = object({
quote = string,
allow_jagged_rows = bool,
allow_quoted_newlines = bool,
encoding = string,
field_delimiter = string,
skip_leading_rows = number,
google_sheets_options = object({
range = string,
skip_leading_rows = number,
hive_partitioning_options = object({
mode = string,
source_uri_prefix = string,
expiration_time = string,
max_staleness = optional(string),
deletion_protection = optional(bool),
labels = map(string),
[] no
is_case_insensitive Whether or not the dataset and its table names are case-insensitive. bool false no
location The regional location for the dataset only US and EU are allowed in module string "US" no
materialized_views A list of objects which includes view_id, view_query, clustering, time_partitioning, range_partitioning, expiration_time and labels
view_id = string,
description = optional(string),
query = string,
enable_refresh = bool,
refresh_interval_ms = string,
clustering = list(string),
time_partitioning = object({
expiration_ms = string,
field = string,
type = string,
require_partition_filter = bool,
range_partitioning = object({
field = string,
range = object({
start = string,
end = string,
interval = string,
expiration_time = string,
max_staleness = optional(string),
labels = map(string),
[] no
max_time_travel_hours Defines the time travel window in hours number null no
project_id Project where the dataset and table are created string n/a yes
routines A list of objects which include routine_id, routine_type, routine_language, definition_body, return_type, routine_description and arguments.
routine_id = string,
routine_type = string,
language = string,
definition_body = string,
return_type = string,
description = string,
arguments = list(object({
name = string,
data_type = string,
argument_kind = string,
mode = string,
[] no
tables A list of objects which include table_id, schema, clustering, time_partitioning, range_partitioning, expiration_time labels, and description.
table_id = string,
schema = string,
clustering = list(string),
time_partitioning = object({
expiration_ms = string,
field = string,
type = string,
require_partition_filter = bool,
range_partitioning = object({
field = string,
range = object({
start = string,
end = string,
interval = string,
expiration_time = string,
max_staleness = optional(string),
labels = map(string),
[] no
views A list of objects which include table_id, which is view id, and view query
view_id = string,
query = string,
use_legacy_sql = bool,
labels = map(string),
description = string,
schema = string,
[] no


Name Description
bigquery_dataset Bigquery dataset resource.
bigquery_external_tables Map of BigQuery external table resources being provisioned.
bigquery_tables Map of bigquery table resources being provisioned.
bigquery_views Map of bigquery view resources being provisioned.
external_table_ids Unique IDs for any external tables being provisioned
external_table_names Friendly names for any external tables being provisioned
project Project where the dataset and tables are created
routine_ids Unique IDs for any routine being provisioned
table_ids Unique id for the table being provisioned
table_names Friendly name for the table being provisioned
view_ids Unique id for the view being provisioned
view_names friendlyname for the view being provisioned


These sections describe requirements for using this module.


The following dependencies must be available:

Service Account

A service account with the following roles must be used to provision the resources of this module:

  • BigQuery Data Owner: roles/bigquery.dataOwner

The Project Factory module and the IAM module may be used in combination to provision a service account with the necessary roles applied.

Script Helper

A helper script for configuring a Service Account is located at (./helpers/


A project with the following APIs enabled must be used to host the resources of this module:

  • BigQuery JSON API:

The Project Factory module can be used to provision a project with the necessary APIs enabled.


Refer to the contribution guidelines for information on contributing to this module.


This module allows you to create opinionated Google Cloud Platform BigQuery datasets and tables.



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