This project includes python code to detect and segment apples from a point cloud of apple trees.
The problem is addressed in two main steps, color clustering and sphere fitting. In the first main step, the points were clustered by color with the clustering algorithm DBSCAN to extract the inliers, the apple points from the outliers, the tree points. In the second main step, the script fit multiple 3d spheres to the extracted points by the RANSAC algorithm. The apples are assumed to spheres with size between 0.06 and 0.10 m. Therefore, their rhos range from 0.03 to 0.05 m.
Important files in this project are:
- requirements.txt
The file is the main script to run. This uses the several functions which are defined in to preprocess the data, to segment and localise the apples. At the end, saves in ./results the segmented apple points and the fitted sphere parameters which are the center coordinates and the rhos.
The scrip a user-friendly tool to explore the 3d datapoints by showing the 3d image in slices of 2d images. You need to press the keys UP and DOWN to change displaying 2d slide.
I recommend to use 32 GB of memory or more to run these scripts
Install all python packages that are in the requirements.txt. The packages include CalaPy which is my own library that contains a collection of functions that I tend to use in different projects. Make sure you use the version or older
These methods found 68 apples in less than 4 minutes (in my local machine which is slow), including some false positives. There were also some false negatives.
The picture below shows the apple trees without the segmented apples and these were replace by the found spheres (in blue).
Instead, the following picture displays the segmented apples by the method.
The two images show that the apples were accurately detected and segmented. Yet, the performance was not perfect since there were some false positives and some false negatives. For instance, the darker apples in the shadows were filtered out (false negatives). These issues may be solved by tuning the illumination of the colored points.