The scripts of this project automatically download the 3d bodies of some characters and the 3d animations as FBX files from Mixamo's website.
There are two main scripts:
Both are Python scripts that use the Mixamo bot (calapy.mixamo.MixamoBot) of CalaPy, a Python library. Calapy is a collection of Python functions that I personally coded and that I tend to reuse in different projects. The Mixamo bot is dependent on Selenium, a Python library to automatically control the web browser. downloads the 3d bodies of the characters, while downloads the 3d animations of the characters as 3d skeletons. In another project, I scripted Blender 3D, a 3d software, to animate the 3d characters with their 3d animated skeletons and render multiple videos of the same actions from different viewpoints.
Warming: the scripts may crash in the future if they change the Mixamo website. So, if you get any errors, please, report them to me and I will update the code.