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Crystallization Contaminants

Marcin Wojdyr edited this page Oct 12, 2018 · 33 revisions

A list of crystallization contaminants deposited in PDB that we use for quick screening. It is derived from the ContaBase, which is maintained at StruBE as a part of the ContaMiner project.

Initially, our list was based on:

Both ① and ② were were published in 2016. Before that the usually referred to resource was this summary from ccp4bb (2010). As of 2018 ② is actively maintained and is a superset of ①.

Contaminer focuses on protein domains for molecular replacement. In Dimple we only do quick screening based on the unit cell parameters.

Items in the list below are each from a different UniRef100 cluster and have:

  • UniProt name LIKE_THIS,
  • description - usually from ① (may refer to a specific domain) or from UniProt
  • PDB IDs - only entries deposited as contaminants (usually co-purified).

We process this page automatically, reading each UniProtKB entry name*:
UniProtKB entry ⇨ UniRef cluster ⇨ PDB entries (via SIFTS) ⇨ filtered ⇨
distinct unit cells clustered (complete-linkage) by space group and unit cell.

* We also read the PDB IDs below to add them if they are not yet in the SIFTS mapping, and handle other corner cases.

  • MALE_ECOLI ①② Maltose-binding protein (MBP)
  • GST26_SCHJA ①② Glutathione-S-transferase (GST)
  • THIO_ECOLI ①② Thioredoxin (Trx)
  • NUSA_ECOLI ①② N-Utilization substance (NusA)
  • NUSG_ECOLI ② Transcription termination/antitermination protein
  • SUMO1_HUMAN ①② Small ubiquitin related modifier 1 (SUMO1)
  • DHAA_RHORH ①② Haloalkane dehalogenase
  • BCCP_ECOLI ② Biotin carboxyl carrier protein BCCP
  • POLG_TEV ①② Tobacco etch virus (TEV)
  • POLG_HRV2 ① Rhinovirus 3C protease (in polyprotein)
  • POLG_HRV14 ② Rhinovirus genome polyprotein
  • ULP1_YEAST ①② SUMO protease C-terminal domain
  • ENTK_BOVIN ①② Enterokinase
  • TRY1_BOVIN ①② Trypsin
  • CTRA_BOVIN ①② Chymotrypsin
  • THRB_HUMAN ① Thrombin active form (Prothrombin)
  • THRB_BOVIN ② Prothrombin
  • THER_BACTH ①② Thermolysin
  • PRTK_PARAQ ①② Proteinase K
  • PEPA_PIG ①② Pepsin
  • ELNE_HUMAN ①② Neutrophil elastase
  • PLMP_GRIFR ①② LysN Peptidyl-Lys metalloendopeptidase
  • LYSC_LYSEN ①② Lysyl endopeptidase
  • FA10_BOVIN ① Factor Xa (Coagulation factor X)
  • FA10_HUMAN ② Factor Xa (Coagulation factor X)
  • LYSC_CHICK ①② Lysozyme
  • DNAS1_BOVIN ①② DNase protein
  • ZINT_ECOLI ①② Metal-binding lipocalin (YodA) - 4TNN
  • CAN_ECOLI ①② Carbonic anhydrase (YadF) - 4ZNZ
  • FUR_ECOLI ①② Ferric uptake regulator (Fur)
  • CRP_ECOLI ①② cAMP-regulatory protein (CRP)
  • GLMS_ECOLI ①② Glucosamine-6-phosphate synthase (GlmS)
  • GLGA_ECOLI ①② Glycogen synthase (GlgA)
  • ODO1_ECOLI ①② Component 1 of the 2-oxoglutarate dehydrogenase complex (ODO1)
  • ODO2_ECOLI ①② Component E2 of dihydrolipoamide succinyltransferase (ODO2)
  • ARNA_ECOLI ①② Formyl transferase (YfbG, ArnA)
  • SODC_ECOLI ①② Cu/Zn-superoxide dismutase (Cu/Zn-SODM)
  • CAT_ECOLX ①② Chloramphenicol-O-acetyl transferase (CAT)
  • HFQ_ECOLI ①② Host factor-I protein (Hfq)
  • CATE_ECOLI ② Catalase HPII
  • OMPF_ECOLI ② Porin (OmpF)
  • CH60_ECOLI ② GroEL Chaperonin (GROEL)
  • IPYR_ECOLI ② Inorganic pyrophosphatase
  • TKT1_ECOLI ② Transketolase 1
  • KDSA_ECOLI ② 2-dehydro-3-deoxyphosphooctonate aldolase
  • DHSC_ECOLI ② Cytochrome b-556
  • ACRB_ECOLI ② Multidrug efflux pump subunit AcrB
  • KPYK1_ECOLI ② Pyruvate kinase I
  • SYK2_ECOLI ② Lysine-tRNA ligase
  • SYA_ECOLI ② Alanine-tRNA ligase
  • KATG_ECOLI ② Catalase-peroxidase
  • BFR_ECOLI ② Bacterioferritin
  • DEGS_ECOLI ② Serine endoprotease DegS
  • TPIS_ECOLI ② Triosephosphate isomerase (tpiA) - 4IOT
  • GATD_ECOLI ② Galactitol-1-phosphate 5-dehydrogenase
  • ARCA_ECOLI ② Aerobic respiration control protein ArcA
  • LACI_ECOLI ② Lactose operon repressor
  • RS15_ECOLI ② 30S ribosomal protein S15
  • AGAL_ECOLI ② Alpha-galactosidase
  • G6PD_ECOLI ② Glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase
  • ARGE_ECOLI ② Acetylornithine deacetylase
  • ADH1_YEAST ② Alcohol dehydrogenase 1
  • PNC1_YEAST ② Nicotinamidase
  • B4SL31_STRM5 ② Alkaline phosphatase - 5JK4
  • Q9I4D6_PSEAE probable cysteine hydrolase (YcaC) - 4WGF, 4WH0
  • YCAC_ECOLI ② Probable hydrolase YcaC
  • PHBP_UNKP Phosphate-binding protein, DING family (HPBP) - 2V3Q, 3W9W
  • P83696_ALCXX Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) - 1OBF
  • G3P1_ECOLI ② Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase A
  • IDH_ECOLI ② Isocitrate dehydrogenase (NADP)
  • CYNS_SERP5 ② Cyanate hydratase
  • S0AKJ8_SERPL ② Glycerol dehydrogenase DhaD - 4MCA
  • DPS_ECOLI ② DNA protection during starvation protein
  • NAGB_ECOLI ② Glucosamine-6-phosphate deaminase
  • A0A140N6S1_ECOBD ② Gab protein - 2R6S

Do you see a protein missing in the list below? Contact ② – we automatically check that list. If you would like to improve something specific to Dimple: open a new issue.

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