(generic linux system backup) is an advanced backup tool written in bash.
- Lock functionality. Only one instance is possible to run. (Lock file and check with pgrep)
- Verbose logging to stdout and/or system logfile and/or system journal and/or individual logfile.
- Excluding of files
- Backupfile rotation (daily || weekly || monthly)
- Creates a file with installed packages (rpm || dpkg || pacman || equery || pkgutil)
- Encryption with openssl
- CLI options and arguments
- Renicing
- Re-ioniceing
- Execution of pre-backup-script
- Execution of post-backup-script
- Check if the required binaries exists
- Set configuration of logHandler
- Check if glsysbackup should be exectuted with root privileges
- Get and log the user, who starts glsysbackup
- Check if bash version meets requirements
- Check if an instance is already running via lockfile and pgrep
- Re-nice glsysbackup if required
- Re-ionice glsysbackup if required
- Create backup directory structure
- Execute the pre-backup-script, if it is defined and executeable
- Create file with installed packages
- Build excluding options from config array
- Build the backup options from config
- Make the tar backup
- Enrypt the backup with openssl if required
- Execute the post-backup-script, if it is defined and executeable
- Rotation of backup files if backup/encryption was successful
- bash (Version >= 3)
- pgrep to check if an instance of glsysbackup is already running
- whoami to check the user who executes glsysbackup
- date for logging purposes (Only required if bash version < 4.2. Else printf bash builtin will be used.)
- tar to create the backup
- rm to delete files
- cp to copy files
- mkdir to create directories
- kill to send kill signal to glsysbackup
- logger to log to the system log
- systemd-cat to log to the system journal
- rpm || dpkg || pacman || equery || pkgutil to create a file with installed packages
- openssl to encrypt the backup file
- renice to renice glsysbackup and all child processes
- ionice to re-ionice glsysbackup and all child processes
Download the latest tarball and extract it:
cd /tmp
wget "https://api.github.com/repos/ccztux/glsysbackup/tarball" -O glsysbackup.latest.tar.gz
tar -xvzf glsysbackup.latest.tar.gz
cd ccztux-glsysbackup-*
Copy the files:
cp -av ./usr/local/glsysbackup/ /usr/local/
cp -av ./etc/logrotate.d/glsysbackup /etc/logrotate.d/
Change the file ownership:
chown -R root:root /usr/local/glsysbackup/
chown root:root /etc/logrotate.d/glsysbackup
chmod 644 /etc/logrotate.d/glsysbackup
Edit the config:
vim /usr/local/glsysbackup/etc/glsysbackup.conf
Start glsysbackup:
/usr/local/glsysbackup/bin/glsysbackup -c /usr/local/glsysbackup/etc/glsysbackup.conf
Usage: glsysbackup OPTIONS
Author: Christian Zettel (ccztux)
Last modification: 2019-11-17
Version: 2.0.0-beta4
Description: glsysbackup (Generic Linux System Backup) is an advanced backup tool written in bash.
-c Path to config file. Example: '/usr/local/glsysbackup/etc/glsysbackup.conf'. (The file extension has to be: '.conf')
-h Shows this help.
-v Shows detailed version information.
# Logging:
# enable log to file
# (possible values: 1|0)
# enable log to stdout
# (possible values: 1|0)
# enable log to system logfile
# (possible values: 1|0)
# enable log to system journal
# (possible values: 1|0)
# timestamp format for log messages
# (HINT: have a look at: 'man strftime')
log_timestamp_format="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
# truncate logfile at each backup cycle
# (possible values: 1|0)
# Privileges:
# enable this to check if glsysbackup is running with root privileges
# (possible values: 1|0)
# Renice:
# enable reniceing of glsysbackup and child procs
# (possible values: 1|0)
# set renice priority
# (possible values: -20...19)
# (HINT: have a look at: 'man renice')
# Re-ionice:
# enable re-ioniceing of glsysbackup and child procs
# (possible values: 1|0)
# set re-ionice scheduling class
# (possible values: 0|1|2|3)
# (HINT: have a look at: 'man ionice')
# set re-ionice priority
# (possible values: 0...7)
# (HINT: have a look at: 'man ionice')
# Rotation:
# keep max 1 backup a day
# enable daily backup rotation
# (possible values: 1|0)
# number of backup files to keep of daily backups
# enable weekly backup rotation
# (possible values: 1|0)
# rotation weekday for weekly rotation (1 is monday)
# (possible values: 1|2|3|4|5|6|7)
# number of backup files to keep of weekly backups
# enable monthly backup rotation
# (possible values: 1|0)
# rotation day of month for monthly rotation (1 is monday)
# (possible values: 1|2|3|...|last day of month)
# number of backup files to keep of monthly backups
# Installed packages:
# enable the creation of installed packages file
# (possible values: 1|0)
# force this package manager to create installed packages file, if you have more than one package
# manager installed
# (possible values: rpm|dpkg|pacman|equery|pkgutil)
# path where installed packages file should be created
# Backup:
# if this value is less equal than the tar rc, the backup job will be interpreted
# as 'backup successful'
# (possible values: 0|1|2)
# (HINT: have a look at: 'man tar' section: 'RETURN VALUE')
# enable backup compression
# (possible values: 1|0)
# backup compression type
# (possible values: gzip|bzip2|xz|lzip|lzma|lzop)
# enable backup verbose mode
# show backup totals
# (possible values: 1|0)
# individual tar options
# (HINT: have a look at: 'man tar')
# set backup destination path
# set backup filename
# files and folders you want to backup
# exclude this items from backup
# (HINT: have a look at: 'man tar')
# Encryption:
# enable backup encryption with openssl
# (possible values: 1|0)
# set password for encryption
# Pre backup script:
# enable pre backup script functionality
# (possible values: 1|0)
# path to pre backup script
# exit glsysbackup in case execution of pre backup script was not successful
# (possible values: 1|0)
# Post backup script:
# enable post backup script functionality
# (possible values: 1|0)
# path to post backup script
# exit glsysbackup in case execution of post backup script was not successful
# (possible values: 1|0)
13:55:45 [pi@wurlitzer]:~$ sudo /usr/local/glsysbackup/bin/glsysbackup -c /usr/local/glsysbackup/etc/systembackup.conf
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | checkLogHandlerRequirements | glsysbackup 2.0.0-beta4 starting... (PID=24728)
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | checkLogHandlerRequirements | We are using config file: '/usr/local/glsysbackup/etc/systembackup.conf'.
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | checkRootPrivileges | Check if root priviliges are required...
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | checkRootPrivileges | Root privileges are required, checking privileges...
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | checkRootPrivileges | HOORAY, we have root privileges. :)
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | getUser | Get user which starts the script...
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | getUser | glsysbackup was started by user: 'pi'.
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | checkBashVersion | Checking bash version...
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | checkBashVersion | Bash version: '5' meets requirements.
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | checkAlreadyRunningInstance | Check if another instance of: 'glsysbackup' is already running...
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | checkLock | Check if lock file: '/usr/local/glsysbackup/var/lock/glsysbackup.systembackup.lock' exists and if it is read and writeable...
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | checkLock | Lock file doesnt exist.
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | checkAlreadyRunningInstance | No other instance of: 'glsysbackup' is currently running (Neither lockfile: '/usr/local/glsysbackup/var/lock/glsysbackup.systembackup.lock' nor running processes detected).
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | setLock | Check if script lock directory: '/usr/local/glsysbackup/var/lock' exists and permissions to set lock are ok...
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | setLock | Script lock directory exists and permissions are ok.
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | setLock | Setting lock...
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | setLock | Setting lock was successful.
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | reNice | Check if re-niceing is enabled...
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | reNice | Re-niceing is not enabled.
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | reIONice | Check if re-ioniceing is enabled...
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | reIONice | Re-ioniceing is not enabled.
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | checkBackupDirStructure | Check backup dir structure...
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | checkBackupDirStructure | Check if backup directory: '/var/backups' exists and permissions to move files are ok...
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | checkBackupDirStructure | Backup directory exists and permissions are ok.
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | checkBackupDirStructure | Directory: '/var/backups/wurlitzer/systembackup/daily' exist, nothing to do.
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | checkBackupDirStructure | Directory: '/var/backups/wurlitzer/systembackup/weekly' exist, nothing to do.
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | checkBackupDirStructure | Directory: '/var/backups/wurlitzer/systembackup/monthly' exist, nothing to do.
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | checkBackupDirStructure | Directory: '/var/backups/wurlitzer/systembackup/latest' exist, nothing to do.
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | executePreBackupScript | Check if pre backup script functionality is enabled...
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | executePreBackupScript | Pre backup script functionality is not enabled.
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | createInstalledPackagesFile | Check if installed packages are enabled...
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | createInstalledPackagesFile | Installed packages are enabled.
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | createInstalledPackagesFile | The supported system package manager we found is: 'dpkg'.
2019-11-17 13:55:49 | 24728 | createInstalledPackagesFile | Creating installed packages file: '/root/glsysbackup.systembackup.installed_packges.txt'...
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | createInstalledPackagesFile | Creating installed packages file was successful, adding file to backup_items config array.
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | buildExcludeOpts | Check if we need to build excluding options...
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | buildExcludeOpts | Building of excluding options is enabled.
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | buildExcludeOpts | We build the following excluding options: '--exclude=/home/pi/old --exclude=/home/pi/recovery'.
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | buildBackupCmd | Building backup command...
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | buildBackupCmd | We build the following backup command: '/bin/tar --exclude=/home/pi/old --exclude=/home/pi/recovery --create --gzip --file=/var/backups/wurlitzer/systembackup/latest/systembackup.tar.gz --verbose --totals /boot/ /etc/ /home/ /root/ /var/lib/mpd/ /usr/local/bin/ /usr/lib/cgi-bin/ /root/glsysbackup.systembackup.installed_packges.txt'.
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | makeBackup | Starting backup job...
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | makeBackup | /bin/tar: Removing leading /' from member names
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | makeBackup | /boot/
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | makeBackup | /boot/overlays/
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | makeBackup | /boot/overlays/act-led.dtbo
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | makeBackup | /bin/tar: Removing leading /' from hard link targets
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | makeBackup | /boot/overlays/README
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | makeBackup | /boot/overlays/akkordion-iqdacplus.dtbo
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | makeBackup | /boot/overlays/adau1977-adc.dtbo
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | makeBackup | /boot/overlays/adau7002-simple.dtbo
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | makeBackup | /boot/overlays/ads1015.dtbo
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | makeBackup | /boot/overlays/ads1115.dtbo
2019-11-17 13:55:50 | 24728 | makeBackup | /boot/overlays/ads7846.dtbo
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | makeBackup | /usr/lib/cgi-bin/wurlitzer/gallery.css
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | makeBackup | /usr/lib/cgi-bin/wurlitzer/gallery.cgi
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | makeBackup | /usr/lib/cgi-bin/wurlitzer/history.csv
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | makeBackup | /usr/lib/cgi-bin/wurlitzer/js/
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | makeBackup | /usr/lib/cgi-bin/wurlitzer/js/wurlitzer_title.js
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | makeBackup | /usr/lib/cgi-bin/wurlitzer/img/
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | makeBackup | /usr/lib/cgi-bin/wurlitzer/img/youtube_logo.png
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | makeBackup | /usr/lib/cgi-bin/wurlitzer/img/favicon.ico
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | makeBackup | /usr/lib/cgi-bin/wurlitzer/img/music.png
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | makeBackup | /root/glsysbackup.systembackup.installed_packges.txt
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | makeBackup | Total bytes written: 68956160 (66MiB, 1.1MiB/s)
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | makeBackup | Backup job was successful. (tar return value: '0' <= backup_successful_tar_rc: '1')
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | encryptBackup | Backup encryption is not enabled...
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | executePostBackupScript | Check if post backup script functionality is enabled...
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | executePostBackupScript | Post backup script functionality is not enabled.
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | signalHandler | Caught: 'EXIT', exiting script...
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | cleanUp | Now we are doing some cleanup jobs...
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | removeInstalledPackagesFile | Installed packages functionality is enabled, now we check if the file exists, if it is writeable and delete it...
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | removeInstalledPackagesFile | Check if installed packages file: '/root/glsysbackup.systembackup.installed_packges.txt' exists and if it is writeable...
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | removeInstalledPackagesFile | Installed packages file exists and is writeable.
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | removeInstalledPackagesFile | Deleting installed packages file...
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | removeInstalledPackagesFile | Deleting installed packages file was successful.
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | removeOldLeftoverLatestBackups | Checking for old, leftover backups in latest folder...
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | removeOldLeftoverLatestBackups | Backup encryption is not enabled, now we check if an lefover encrypted backup file exists, if it is writeable and delete it...
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | removeOldLeftoverLatestBackups | Check if encrypted backup file: '/var/backups/wurlitzer/systembackup/latest/systembackup.aes.tar.gz' exists and if it is writeable...
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | removeOldLeftoverLatestBackups | No old, leftover encrypted backup found in latest folder.
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | rotateHandler | Check if backup rotation is enabled...
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | rotateHandler | Backup rotation is enabled.
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | rotateHandler | Check if only one backup per day is enabled...
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | rotateHandler | Only one backup per day is enabled.
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | removeTodaysOldBackups | Check if old backups of type: 'daily' from today exists...
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | removeTodaysOldBackups | Backup from today: '/var/backups/wurlitzer/systembackup/daily/daily_systembackup_2019-11-17_13h53m_Sunday.tar.gz' found...
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | removeTodaysOldBackups | Check if permissions of file: '/var/backups/wurlitzer/systembackup/daily/daily_systembackup_2019-11-17_13h53m_Sunday.tar.gz' are ok to delete it...
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | removeTodaysOldBackups | We have write permissions, so we can delete it.
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | removeTodaysOldBackups | Deleting file was successful.
2019-11-17 13:57:11 | 24728 | rotateHandler | Copying actual backup: '/var/backups/wurlitzer/systembackup/latest/systembackup.tar.gz' ==> '/var/backups/wurlitzer/systembackup/daily/daily_systembackup_2019-11-17_13h57m_Sunday.tar.gz'.
2019-11-17 13:57:12 | 24728 | rotateHandler | Copy job was successful.
2019-11-17 13:57:12 | 24728 | removeOldBackups | Check if rotation of daily backups is necessary...
2019-11-17 13:57:12 | 24728 | removeOldBackups | Rotation of daily backups is not necessary (backup_files_count: '10' <= backup_rotation_daily_max_backups: '10').
2019-11-17 13:57:12 | 24728 | rotateHandler | Check if today is the day, where weekly backups should be rotated...
2019-11-17 13:57:12 | 24728 | rotateHandler | Today is not the day, where we should rotate the weekly backups (actual_weekday: '7' != backup_rotation_weekly_weekday: '1').
2019-11-17 13:57:12 | 24728 | rotateHandler | Check if today is the day, where monthly backups should be rotated...
2019-11-17 13:57:12 | 24728 | rotateHandler | Today is not the day, where we should rotate the monthly backups (actual_day_of_month: '17' != backup_rotation_monthly_day_of_month: '1').
2019-11-17 13:57:12 | 24728 | checkLock | Check if lock file: '/usr/local/glsysbackup/var/lock/glsysbackup.systembackup.lock' exists and if it is read and writeable...
2019-11-17 13:57:12 | 24728 | checkLock | Lock file exists and it is read/writeable.
2019-11-17 13:57:12 | 24728 | removeLock | Removing lock...
2019-11-17 13:57:12 | 24728 | removeLock | Removing lock was successful.
2019-11-17 13:57:12 | 24728 | signalHandler | We did a great job. :)
2019-11-17 13:57:12 | 24728 | signalHandler | glsysbackup (2.0.0-beta4) was running: '83' seconds, script_exit_code: '0'.
2019-11-17 13:57:12 | 24728 | signalHandler | Bye, bye...
13:59:41 [pi@wurlitzer]:~$ find /var/backups/wurlitzer/systembackup/ | sort