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Python typing update

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Tool to update Python typing syntax. It uses token analysis and

to try and update the typing syntax the best it can.

Every project uses a different formatting style, so always check git diff before comitting any changes! Since this tool uses pyupgrade, it's best used for projects that use it already.


Due to the way the tool works, it will reorder the imports multiple times. By default the tool tries to detect if a comment was moved and revert all changes to the file. This can be overwritten by using --force.

Currently, it's not possible to update aliases with a different name. In particular, these need to be updated manually:

Old typing name New
Deque collections.deque
DefaultDict collections.defaultdict
ContextManager contextlib.AbstractContextManager
AsyncContextMananger contextlib.AbstractAsyncContextManager

How it works

  1. Run python-reorder-import to add from __future__ import annotations to each file.
  2. Run pyupgrade to use generic aliases (PEP 585) and alternative union syntax (PEP 604) where possible.
  3. Run autoflake to check if any typing import is now unused. If not, revert changes with git restore.
  4. Remove unused imports with autoflake.
  5. Run isort to try to restore the previous formatting.
  6. Optional: Run black. (Requires black to be added as additional_dependency)
    OR: Run ruff. (Requires ruff to be added as additional_dependency)
  7. Check git diff for modified comments. If one is detected, revert changes and print file name. Can be overwritten with --force.

Setup pre-commit

Add this to the .pre-commit-config.yaml file

  - repo:
    rev: <insert current tag here!>
      - id: python-typing-update
        stages: [manual]

Run with

pre-commit run --hook-stage manual python-typing-update --all-files


Always print verbose logging.

Max number of files that should be changed. No performance improvements, since the limit is only applied after all files have been processed.

Number of files to process concurrently during initial load.

Use additional options from python-reorder-imports to rewrite

  • --py38-plus (default): Imports from mypy_extensions and typing_extensions when possible.
  • --py39-plus: Rewrite PEP 585 typing imports. Additionally typing.Hashable and typing.Sized will also be replaced by their equivalents.

Keep updates even if no import was removed. Use with caution, might result in more errors.

Run black formatting after updates.
To use it, add black as additional_dependency in your .pre-commit-config.yaml.

          - black==<insert current version here!>

Run ruff check --fix and ruff format after updates.
To use it, add ruff as additional_dependency in your .pre-commit-config.yaml.

          - ruff==<insert current version here!>

Don't abort with uncommitted changes. Don't use it in production! Risk of losing uncommitted changes.

Different mode options

Check if files would be modified. Return with exitcode 1 or 0 if not. Useful for CI runs.

Don't revert changes if a modified comment is detected. Check git diff before committing!

Only update files which are likely to require extra work. Check git diff before committing!

Python version options

--py37-plus Set the minimum Python syntax version to 3.7. (Default: 3.9)

Set the minimum Python syntax version to 3.8. (Default: 3.9)

Set the minimum Python syntax version to 3.9. This is the default.

Set the minimum Python syntax version to 3.10. (Default: 3.9)

Set the minimum Python syntax version to 3.11. (Default: 3.9)

Set the minimum Python syntax version to 3.12. (Default: 3.9)

--py313-plus Set the minimum Python syntax version to 3.13. (Default: 3.9)


This Project is licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for the full license text.