Hi! I am Chris Desjardins.
I am an assistant professor of mathematics and statistics at St. Michael's College and an associate research scientist and data analyst at Oregon Research Institute. I am interested in data visualization, data science, applied statistics, and statistics education.
Okan Bulut and I wrote a book (and an R package) on using R for educational measurement. Topics include: classical test theory; generalizability theory; the factor analytic approach in measurement; unidimensional, multidimensional, and explanatory item response modeling; test equating; visualizing measurement models; measurement invariance; and differential item functioning.
This dashboard shows student performance at the school-level on various domains measured on the Minnesota Study Survey. The target audience was school administrators.
This app (and associated R package) were created to help Atlantis modelers better understand and tune their models.
A simple data viewer for the datasets contained in Lock5 for introductory statistics students.
A recreation of a NY Times visualization to demonstrate to my students how quickly dashboards can be created in Tableau.
A COVID-19 dashboard for Vermont for prospective public health students.
A suite of multivariate methods and data visualization tools that implement profile analysis and cross-validation.
An extension for jamovi to make it more friendly for introductory statistics students using the Lock5 textbook.