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Forms Terraform

Infrastructure as Code for the GC Forms environment.


Pull Requests in this repository require all commits to be signed before they can be merged. Please see this guide for more information.


If using Colima

  • Docker: brew install docker docker-compose docker-credential-helper

Modify the docker config file to use mac os keychain as credStore

nano ~/.docker/config.json

    "credsStore": "osxkeychain",
  • Colima: brew install colima
# as /var/ is a protected directory, we will need sudo
sudo ln ~/.colima/default/docker.sock /var/run

# we can verify this has worked by running
ls /var/run
# and confirming that docker.sock is now in the directory

Colima can be set as a service to start on login: brew services start colima

Request Localstack Pro license

You will need to create a Localstack account using your CDS email address here and then ask your supervisor to assign you a Pro license license.

Set your environment variables

Create an .env file at the root of the project and use the .env.example as a template. You can find some of the values in 1Password > Local Development .ENV secure note. The LOCALSTACK_AUTH_TOKEN value will be accessible here once you have been assigned a Pro license.

Start Localstack

$ docker-compose up
See expected console output
[+] Building 0.0s (0/0)
[+] Running 2/2
 ✔ Network forms-terraform_default  Created                                                                               0.1s
 ✔ Container GCForms_LocalStack     Created                                                                               0.1s
Attaching to GCForms_LocalStack
GCForms_LocalStack  |
GCForms_LocalStack  | LocalStack version: 3.2.1.dev20240306170817
GCForms_LocalStack  | LocalStack Docker container id: 00e39dc6785e
GCForms_LocalStack  | LocalStack build date: 2024-03-06
GCForms_LocalStack  | LocalStack build git hash: 93fc329
GCForms_LocalStack  |
GCForms_LocalStack  | 2024-03-27T14:11:56.175  INFO --- [  MainThread] l.bootstrap.licensingv2    : Successfully requested and activated new license <license_identifier>:pro 🔑✅
GCForms_LocalStack  | 2024-03-27T14:11:58.611  INFO --- [  MainThread] l.p.snapshot.plugins       : registering ON_STARTUP load strategy
GCForms_LocalStack  | 2024-03-27T14:11:59.649  INFO --- [  MainThread] l.p.snapshot.plugins       : registering SCHEDULED save strategy
GCForms_LocalStack  | 2024-03-27T14:11:59.713  INFO --- [  MainThread] l.extensions.platform      : loaded 0 extensions
GCForms_LocalStack  | 2024-03-27T14:12:00.097  INFO --- [-functhread4] hypercorn.error            : Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
GCForms_LocalStack  | 2024-03-27T14:12:00.097  INFO --- [-functhread4] hypercorn.error            : Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
GCForms_LocalStack  | 2024-03-27T14:12:00.098  INFO --- [-functhread4] hypercorn.error            : Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
GCForms_LocalStack  | 2024-03-27T14:12:00.098  INFO --- [-functhread4] hypercorn.error            : Running on (CTRL + C to quit)
GCForms_LocalStack  | 2024-03-27T14:12:00.316  INFO --- [  MainThread] localstack.utils.bootstrap : Execution of "start_runtime_components" took 602.48ms
GCForms_LocalStack  | Ready.
GCForms_LocalStack  | 2024-03-27T14:12:03.093  INFO --- [  MainThread] l.p.snapshot.plugins       : restoring state of all services on startup

Once Localstack is ready to use you should be able to interact with local AWS services using the Localstack web application.

If the Localstack web application is not able to connect to the instance you just started you may have to add to your /etc/hosts.

Deploy infrastructure

Now that we have localstack up and running it's time to deploy our local AWS services to mimic our cloud environments.

$ ./

Please note that if you stop Localstack you don't need to run this script again. Localstack Pro offers automatic persistence for all deployed services. This is enabled by default and can be tweaked through your .env file.

Congratulations! You should now have all the necessary infrastructure configured on Localstack to support all the web applications functions completely locally without needing an AWS account.

How to manually invoke a Lambda function

$ awslocal lambda invoke --function-name <name_of_the_function> output.txt

In case you want to invoke a function that expects a specific payload you can pass it using the --payload '{}' argument.

Containerized Lambda functions

The script allows you to download required dependencies for all Lambda packages available under /lambda-code.

$ cd lambda-code/
$ ./ install

Once you have changed the code in one or multiple Lambda packages, you can call the It will build, tag and push all Lambda images to ECR as well as letting the Lambda service know that a new version of the code should be used.

$ cd lambda-code/
$ ./

There is a skip argument you can pass to that script if you only want to deploy the Lambda images for which you have made changes. It uses the git diff HEAD . command in every single Lambda folder to know whether the image should be deployed or skipped

Dynamo Database Table Schemas

Vault Table


Vault Table

StatusCreatedAt Global Secondary Index

This Index supports the future feature of the GCForms API. Essentially the ability to retrieve responses without using the Application Interface. StatusCreatedAt Index

Traduction en français à venir...