The raw jet kinematics and observables of our files can be viewed in the raw_jets.ipynb
notebook. This file is then scaled-up using Coffea in raw_jets_processor.ipynb
, where a pkl file containing all the histograms of our dataset is produced.
Next we apply cuts/masks to our analysis, which can be seen in the qcd_jets.ipynb
notebook; the goal of this file is to obtain a qcd_jets_processor.ipynb
The qcd_jets_processor.ipynb
notebook produces histograms using the ROOT files in /samples
, and corrects them using the pileup weights found in /data
; the histograms are then dumped into pkl files.
The notebook jer_computations.ipynb
uses the pkl files produced in qcd_jets_processor.ipynb
to produce
Lastly, the jer_plotting.ipynb
file is used to plot the JER curves as functions of the jet
To run on CoffeaCasa, simply access the site coffea-casa and sign in using either your x-certificate or CERN single sign-on credentials.
For running on LPC, we follow the instructions from lpcjobqueue. First SSH to cmslpc by replacing <username>
with your credential:
kinit <username>@FNAL.GOV
ssh <username> -L 8888:localhost:8888
Next we must obatin a voms ticket, make a working area, and clone this repository to that area:
voms-proxy-init -voms cms
mkdir working_directory
cd working_directory
git clone
We can now run the following commands to create a Singularity apptainer shell with a Coffea 0.7 environment:
curl -OL
./shell coffeateam/coffea-dask-cc7:0.7.22-py3.10-g7f049
jupyter lab --no-browser --port 8888
If successful, you should have an output with a URL simlar to:
Copy this URL and paste it into your browser to start the analysis. Once this has all been set up, you only need to run:
./shell coffeateam/coffea-dask-cc7:0.7.22-py3.10-g7f049
jupyter lab --no-browser --port 8888
To resume if disconnected or logged out.