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Hello and welcome to the Monolith App project!


In this exciting project, we will deploy a monolithic node.js application to a Docker container, and then decouple the application into microservices. Next, the node.js application will host a simple message board with threads and messages between users.

Before we begin, let's learn some important concepts:

As the name suggests, monolithic architectures are traditionally resistant to change and difficult to scale. The “mono” prefix of the word "monolith", represents the single codebase which contains all of the functionalities. However, as an application's code base grows, it becomes increasingly difficult to manage.

Conversely, microservices architectures have independently-run applications which use APIs to communicate with other services. Each service performs a single function. Unlike the Monolith architecture, microservices are designed for failure. In theory, the failure of one microservice does not affect the system as a whole, and other functionalities remain accessible to the user. Additionally, microservices are capable of adopting a variety of technology stacks, which could be utilized for solving business challenges. This may include various frameworks and programming languages, which can be deployed independently, as a single service, or as a group of services.

How are all of these applications contained? - With containers, of course! Containers are standard units of software that package an application's code, configurations, and dependencies. This allows applications to efficiently and reliably run from one computing environment to another!

There are many advantages to using containers, as outlined below:

  • Fast deployment of applications
  • Easy portability across machines
  • Version control and component reuse
  • Agile suitable for continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD)
  • Sharing capabilities
  • Lightweight with minimal overhead
  • Flexible & Easy to maintain

PART 1: Getting Started

Let's get started by ensuring that our computer system is up-to-date with the latest tools and software needed for this project.

Setting up the system

STEP 1: Amazon Web Services (AWS) Account  First and foremost, we need an AWS Account. If you do not have an existing account with AWS, click here to register for a free account! Once you have created your account, be sure to create or log in as an IAM user. This will ensure best security practice.

STEP 2: Docker Installation  In this section, we will install Docker. Docker is an open-source tool that is used to automate the deployment of applications as portable, self-sufficient containers. We will utilize Docker to build the image files which will then run in our containers.

  • Installing Docker for your Desktop

Download Docker for your Desktop at no cost for Mac or for Windows. Be sure that your PC meets the system requirements! Follow the instructions provided on the website to install the software.

Alternatively, you can also install Docker on your Terminal!

  • Installing Docker via Terminal

To ensure we get the latest version, we’ll install Docker from the official Docker repository. To do that, we’ll add a new package source, add the GPG key from Docker to ensure the downloads are valid, and then install the package.

Open Terminal and run the following command:

$ sudo apt update

When prompted, type in your regular user's password, then press Enter.

Next, install a few prerequisite packages which let apt use packages over HTTPS using the following command:

$ sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common

After using this command, you will be prompted whether or not you wish to proceed. Type Yand then type ENTER to proceed with the instillation.

Next, add the GPG key for the official Docker repository to your system using the following command:

$ curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -

You should see an output that says: OK

Next, add the Docker repository to APT sources using the following command:

$ sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] $(lsb_release -cs) stable"

This will also update our package database with the Docker packages from the newly added repository.

Next, ensure that you are installing from the Docker repo, rather than the default Ubuntu repo, by running the following command:

$ apt-cache policy docker-ce

Finally, install Docker using the following command:

$ sudo apt install docker-ce

When prompted, press Y to continue instillation.

The instillation may take a few minutes. Once you have Docker is installed, you can verify that it is running by entering the following command in the Terminal of your local PC:

$ docker --version

The output will be the version number, as shown in the following example:

STEP 3: AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) Installation The AWS CLI will be utilized to push our images to Amazon ECR. Please click here for detailed guide on installing the AWS CLI.

Similar to the previous example, once you have downloaded and installed the AWS CLI on your local PC, you can verify that it is running by entering the following command in the Terminal of your local PC:

$ aws --version

Once again, the output will be the version number, as shown in the following example:

Please Note: If an older version of AWS CLI is already installed, run the following command in the Terminal to update it to the latest version:

$ pip3 install awscli --upgrade --user

STEP 4: Code-Editor Download  If you do not have a code-editor, install one on your local environment for free! Visual Studio Code is a recommended code-editor which is popular among developers!

STEP 5: GitHub Repository Download  If you do not have an existing Github account, create one for free at

Next, log into your account and navigate to the following repo on your web browser:

Fork the Github repo, and select Code and then click clone link, in order to download the forked GitHub repository to your local environment.

In order to clone the repo to your Terminal, use the following command:

$ git clone [clone-link]

STEP 6: Access The Project Files  Alternatively, start your code editor (e.g. Visual Studio Code), and locate the folder where you saved the forked repository, called amazon-ecs-nodejs-microservices

STEP 7: Create the repository on AWS

  • On the Create Repository page, enter the following name for your repository: api (for reference, see image below).

  • Leave all other options as default, then scroll to the bottom of the page and select Create Repository. You can view your repository in the Repositories section.

As shown above, once the repository is created, there will be a confirmation message showing with the repository address. The repository address is in the following format: 


Please Note: the information within the brackets are unique values, and must be substituted with your corresponding information.

Next, access your terminal and navigate to the following directory: 

cd ~/amazon-ecs-nodejs-microservices/2-containerized/services/api

Once you have reached the directory, use the following command to configure your account:

$ aws configure

Replace the values with the credentials displayed on your AWS account. For additional help with AWS configuration, click here to learn more.

AWS Access Key ID [None]: Access Key
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: Secret Key
Default region name [None]: <your preferred region>
Default output format [None]: json

STEP 8: Authenticate Docker log in via Terminal

  • Run the following command, replacing the information within the anchor tabs < > with your region and AWS account ID
$ aws ecr get-login-password \
    --region <region> \
| docker login \
    --username AWS \
    --password-stdin <aws_account_id>.dkr.ecr.<region>

If the authentication was successful, you will receive the confirmation message: Login Succeeded

  • To build the image, run the following command in the terminal: 
$ docker build -t api .

  • After the build completes, tag the image so you can push it to the repository: 
$ docker tag api:latest [account-id].dkr.ecr.[region]

Please Note: Remember to replace the [account-ID] and [region] placeholders with your specific information.

  • Next, push the image to Amazon ECR by running the following command:
$ docker push [account-id].dkr.ecr.[region]
  • Once you navigate to your Amazon ECR repository, you should see your image tagged latest.


It is possible that you may receive the following error message:

cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running?

To resolve this, navigate to the ECR repository page on the AWS console. Next, click view push commands.

Copy and paste each command to your terminal and run them one at a time. This should resolve the issue.

PART 2: Deploy the Monolith

In this section, we will use Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) to instantiate a managed cluster of EC2 compute instances and deploy your image as a container running on the cluster. 

STEP 1: Launch an ECS Cluster with CloudFormation

Begin by navigating to the AWS CloudFormation console and select Create stack.

  • Select Upload a template file and choose the ecs.yml file from the GitHub project at amazon-ecs-nodejs-microservice/2-containerized/infrastructure/ecs.yml then select Next.

  • For the stack name, enter the following name: BreakTheMonolith-Demo. Verify that the other parameters have the following values, then click Next:

Desired Capacity2



  • On the configure stack options page, simply keep the default options, scroll down, and select Next.

  • On the Review BreakTheMonolith-Demo page scroll to the bottom of the page, acknowledge the capabilities statement by selecting the checkbox, and then select create stack at the bottom-right of the page.

  • You will see your stack with the status CREATE_IN_PROGRESS. This process typically takes under 5 minutes. Refresh the page. Once it is complete, you will see the status CREATE_COMPLETE.

STEP 2: Check that your Cluster is Running

Navigate to the Amazon ECS console.Your cluster should appear in the list.

  • Select the cluster BreakTheMonolith-Demo, then select the Tasks tab to verify that there are no tasks running.

  • Select the ECS Instances tab to verify there are two Amazon EC2 instances created by the AWS CloudFormation template.

STEP 3: Write a Task Definition

  • From the Amazon ECS left navigation menu, select Task Definitions, then select Create new Task Definition.

  • Next, in the Select launch type compatibility page, select the EC2 option then select Next step.

  • On the Configure task and container definitions page, do the following:

    • In the Task Definition Name field, enter api.
    • Scroll down to Container Definitions and select Add container.

In the Add container window, complete the following steps:

  • In the Container name field, type api.
  • In the Image field, enter the following

Please Note: Remember to replace [account-ID] and [region] with your specific information. This is the URL of your ECR repository image._

  • In the Memory Limits field, verify Hard limit is selected and enter 256 as the value.
  • Under Port mappings, Host port = 0 and Container port = 3000.
  • Scroll to ENVIRONMENT, CPU units = 256.

  • Select Add. You will return to the Configure task and container definitions page.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page and select Create.

Nice work! Your Task Definition is listed in the console!

STEP 4: Configure the ALB Target Group

  • Navigate to the Load Balancer section of the EC2 Console, then search for the Load Balancer named demo.

  • In the Description tab, scroll down and locate the VPC attribute (in this format: vpc-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx). Take note of this because you will need this for the next step when you configure the ALB target group!

STEP 5: Configure the ALB Listener

  • Navigate to the Target Group section of the EC2 Console and select Create target group.

  • Configure the following Target Group parameters (for the parameters not listed below, keep the default values):

    • Target group name = api
    • ProtocolHTTP
    • Port = 80
    • For the VPC, select the value that matches the one from the Load Balancer description.
  • Access the Advanced health check settings and edit the following parameters as needed:

    • Healthy threshold2
    • Unhealthy threshold = 2
    • Timeout = 5
    • Interval = 6

Once you have entered these parameters, scroll down and select Create.

STEP 6: Add a Listener to the ALB

  • Navigate to the Load Balancer section of the EC2 Console and select the checkbox next to demo to see the Load Balancer details.
  • Select the Listeners tab.
  • Select Add listener and edit the following parameters as needed:
    • For Protocol:port, select HTTP and enter 80
    • For Default action(s), select Forward to and in the Target group field, enter api
  • Select Save.

STEP 7: Deploy the monolith as a service into the cluster.

  • Navigate to the Amazon ECS console and select Clusters from the left menu bar.
  • Select the cluster BreakTheMonolith-Demo, select the Services tab then select Create.
  • On the Configure service page, edit the following parameters (and keep the default values for parameters not listed below):
    • Launch type = EC2
    • Service name = api
    • Number of tasks1

  • Once you have entered these parameters, select Next step.

  • On the Configure network page, Load balancing section, select Application Load Balancer. Select the additional parameters that appear:

    • Service IAM role = BreakTheMonolith-Demo-ECSServiceRole
    • Load balancer name = verify that demo is selected.
  • In the Container to load balance section, select Add to load balancer. In the api:3000 section, enter the following:

    • Production listener port = 80:HTTP
    • Target group name = api

  • Once you have entered these parameters, select Next step.
  • On the Set Auto Scaling page, leave all the default settings and select Next step.
  • On the Review page, review the settings then select Create Service
  • After the service has been created, select View Service.

Nice work! You now have a running service. It may take a minute for the container to register as healthy and begin receiving traffic.

STEP 8: Service URL

The node.js application routes traffic to each worker based on the URL. To see a worker, simply add the worker name api/[worker-name] to the end of the DNS Name as follows:

http://[DNS name]/api/users

http://[DNS name]/api/threads

http://[DNS name]/api/posts

You can also add a record number at the end of the URL to specify to a record.

For example: http://[DNS name]/api/users/2

PART 3: Break the Monolith

In this section, we will break the node.js application into three interconnected services. In order to deploy the application as microservices, we must provision each of these repositories in Amazon ECR. Our three services are as follows:

  1. users
  2. threads
  3. posts

STEP 1: Creating the repositories

  • Begin by navigating to the Amazon ECR console, and selecting Create repository. In the Create repository page, Repository name field, create a repository for the service (posts, threads, or users).

You should have four repositories in Amazon ECR. Record the repository information for each microservice that you created. This information will be needed in an upcoming step. The information you need is in the following format: [account-id].dkr.ecr.[region][service-name]

You will need access to Docker to build and push the images for each service. If you are working on this project at different points in time, you may have been logged out of Docker. If this is the case, take the following steps to log into Docker again.

Run the following command:

$ aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin [account id]].dkr.ecr.[region]

If the authentication was successful, you will receive the confirmation message: Login Succeeded.

Next, in your Terminal navigate to the following directory:

$ cd ~/amazon-ecs-nodejs-microservices/3-microservices/services

Build and Tag Each Image

  • In the terminal, run 
$ docker build -t [service-name] ./[service-name]

PLEASE NOTE: Replace the [service-name] For example: docker build -t posts ./posts

  • After the build completes, tag the image so you can push it to the repository:
$ docker tag [service-name]:latest [account-ID].dkr.ecr.[region][service-name]:latest

PLEASE NOTE: Replace [service-name], [account-ID], and [region]. For example: docker tag posts:latest [account-id]

  • Lastly, push your image to ECR using the following command:
$ docker push [account-id].dkr.ecr.[region][service-name]:latest

Repeat these steps for each microservice image. Be sure to build and tag ALL three images.

PART 4: Deploy Microservices

In this section, we will deploy our node.js application as a set of interconnected services behind an Application Load Balancer (ALB). Next, we will use the ALB to shift traffic from the monolith to the microservices. In order to achieve this, we must deploy our three new services to the cluster, and then write Task Definitions for each service.

STEP 1: Writing Task Definitions for our Service

  • Begin by Navigating to the Amazon Container Services console. Underneath the Amazon ECS, select Task Definitions.

  • In the Task Definitions page, select the Create new Task Definition button.

  • In the Select launch type compatibility page, select the EC2 option and then select Next step.

  • In the Configure task and container definitions page, scroll to the Volumes section and select the Configure via JSON button.

  • Copy and paste the following code snippet into the JSON field.

PLEASE NOTE Remember to replace the [service-name], [account-ID], [region], and [tag] placeholders.

    "containerDefinitions": [
            "name": "[service-name]",
            "image": "[account-id].dkr.ecr.[region][service-name]:[tag]",
            "memoryReservation": "256",
            "cpu": "256",
            "essential": true,
            "portMappings": [
                    "hostPort": "0",
                    "containerPort": "3000",
                    "protocol": "tcp"
    "volumes": [],
    "networkMode": "bridge",
    "placementConstraints": [],
    "family": "[service-name]"

Repeat the steps above and to create a task definition for each service:

  • posts
  • threads
  • users

STEP 2: Configure the ALB Target Groups

In your terminal, use the following command (see below) to create a target group for each service (posts, threads, and users):

In addition, we must also create a target group (drop-traffic) to keep traffic from reaching your monolith after our microservices are fully running:

Service names: 

  • posts
  • threads
  • users
  • drop-traffic


$ aws elbv2 create-target-group --region [region] --name [service-name] --protocol HTTP --port 80 --vpc-id [vpc-attribute] --healthy-threshold-count 2 --unhealthy-threshold-count 2 --health-check-timeout-seconds 5 --health-check-interval-seconds 6

Please note: Once again, remember to replace the following placeholders: [region], [service-name], and [vpc-attribute].

STEP 3: Configure the listener rules

  • Navigate to the Load Balancer section of the EC2 Console and locate the Load Balancer named demo.
  • Select the checkbox next to it to see the Load Balancer details, then select the Listeners tab.
  • Under the Rules column, select View/edit rules, then select the plus (+) button.
  • Use the following rule template to insert the necessary rules which include one to maintain traffic to the monolith and one for each microservice:
    • IF Path = /api/[service-name]* THEN Forward to [service-name] (For example: IF Path = /api/posts* THEN Forward to posts)
    • Insert the rules in the following order:
      • api: /api* forwards to api
      • users: /api/users* forwards to users
      • threads: /api/threads* forwards to threads
      • posts: /api/posts* forwards to posts
  • Select Save.

STEP 4: Deploy the microservices

In order to deploy the three microservices (posts, threads, and users) to our cluster. Repeat these steps for each of the three microservices:

  • Navigate to the Amazon ECS console and select Clusters from the left menu bar, then select the cluster BreakTheMonolith-Demo.
  • Next, select the Services tab then select Create.

On the Configure service page, edit the following parameters (and keep the default values for parameters not listed below):

  • Launch type = EC2
  • For the Task Definition, select the Enter a value button to automatically select the highest revision value. (For example: api:1)
  • For the Service name, enter a service name (posts, threads, or users).
  • Number of tasks = 1
  • Select Next step.

On the Configure network page, Load balancing section, do the following:

  • Load balancer typeApplication Load Balancer
  • Service IAM role = BreakTheMonolith-Demo-ECSServiceRole
  • Load balancer namedemo

In the Container to load balance section, select the Add to load balancer button and make the following edits:

  • Production listener port80:HTTP
  • For the Target group name, select the appropriate group: (poststhreads, or users)
  • Select Next step.

On the Set Auto Scaling page, select Next step.

On the Review page, select Create Service, then select View Service.

Remember to repeat these steps above for each of the three microservices.

It should only take a few seconds for all your services to start. Double check that all services and tasks are running and active before you proceed.

STEP 4: Switch Traffic to Microservices

Great job! Our microservices are now running. However, all traffic is still flowing to your monolith service.

To reroute traffic to the microservices, take the following steps to update the listener rules:

  • Navigate to the Load Balancers section of the EC2 Console] then select the checkbox next to demo to see the Load Balancer details.
  • Select the Listeners tab, and under the Rules column, select View/edit rules.
  • On the Rules page, select the minus (-) button from the top menu.
  • Delete the first rule (/api forwards to api*) by selecting the checkbox next to the rule.
  • Select Delete.

To update the default rule to forward to drop-traffic: - Select the edit (pencil) icon next to the default rule (HTTP 80: default action). - Select the edit (pencil) icon in the THEN column to edit the Forward to. - In the Target group field, select drop-traffic. - Select the Update button.

See the following screenshot for an example of the updated rules.

Now that we have traffic flowing to our microservices, we can disable the monolith service.

  • Navigate back to the Amazon ECS cluster BreakTheMonolith-Demo-ECSCluster.
  • In the Services tab, select the checkbox next to api and select Update.
  • On the Configure service page, locate Number of tasks and enter 0.
  • Select Skip to review.
  • Select Update Service.

Great work! we now fully transitioned your node.js from the monolith to microservices, without any downtime!

STEP 5: Validate your Deployment

  • Locate your service URL, then navigate to the Load Balancers section of the EC2 console.
  • Select the checkbox next to demo to see the Load Balancer details.
  • In the Description tab, locate the DNS name and select the copy icon at the end of the URL.
  • Paste the DNS name into a new browser tab or window.

You should see a message 'Ready to receive requests'.

Keep in mind that these URLs perform exactly the same as when the monolith was deployed. Amazingly, moving from monolith to microservices required no changes to other parts of your infrastructure!

PART 5: Clean Up

In this section, we will terminate the resources that were created during this tutorial. This will help to avoid charges from AWS.

Services Used:

  • Amazon Elastic Container Service
  • Amazon Elastic Container Registry
  • Amazon EC2
  • Amazon VPC
  • Elastic Load Balancing

STEP 1: Stop Services

Begin by deleting each of the services (posts, threads, abd users) that are running in your cluster:

  • Navigate to the Amazon ECS console and select Clusters.
  • Next, select the BreakTheMonolith-Demo cluster.
  • In the Services tab, select a service and then select Delete.
  • Confirm the deletion.
  • Repeat the steps until all of the services are deleted.

PLEASE NOTE: Repeat these steps for each of your services on the cluster.

STEP 2: Delete Listeners

  • Navigate to the Load Balancer section of the EC2 Console, then select the checkbox next to demo and select the Listeners tab.
  • Select the listener, then select Delete.
  • Confirm the deletion.

STEP 3: Delete Target Groups

  • Next, navigate to Target Groups in the EC2 console. Check the checkbox at the top of the list (next to Name) to select all target groups. Select Actions then select Delete.

STEP 4: Delete CloudFormation Stack

  • Navigate to the AWS CloudFormation console, then check the box next to the Cloudformation stack BreakTheMonolith-Demo.
  • Select Actions then select Delete Stack.
  • Confirm the deletion.
  • The stack status should change to DELETE_IN_PROGRESS

STEP 5: Deregister Task Definitions

  • Navigate to Task Definitions in the Amazon ECR console, then select a task definition (api, posts, threads, or users).
  • On the Task Definition Name page, select the checkbox next to the task name.
  • Select Actions then from the drop-down list select Deregister.

PLEASE NOTE Repeat these steps for each of your services on the cluster.

STEP 6: Delete ECR Repositories Navigate to Repositories in the Amazon ECR console and select the checkbox next to a repository and then select Delete.

  • Confirm the deletion.
  • Repeat the steps until all the repositories are deleted.


You Just Broke the Monolith!


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