This folder contains Jupyter notebooks to plot and manipulate data recorded at V20 in February 2018, when diffraction experiments were performed.
There are different ways to use ROOT. Installation instructions can be found
But here, in order to be able to use Python3 as well, we will create a conda environment using
These instructions can be used to install on MacOS, Linux and Windows. Windows' support is the
reason for using uproot
(version 4 at least) instead of the ROOT conda package,
which is not available on Windows.
Here are the steps to follow:
install anaconda or miniconda (see link)
download or clone this repository from
unzip if you chose to download.
in a terminal, move to where you put the folder
create a conda environment using the
file, by typing the following line in a terminal:conda env create -f environment.yml
activate your environment, called
by typing in the terminalconda activate v20_root_env
, required for Wave-Frame Multiplication stitching -
required to convert datasets stored in ROOT files to tiff images, -
required to runMcStas
simulations from Python script or Jupyter notebook. Note that you have to configure your installation by following the instructions at link.
You can now use the Jupyter notebooks. The next step is to specify the path
to the different datafiles by running
either in the notebooks
folder. In the terminal where your conda environment is activated, type the following
commands, if you want to use the notebooks:
cd notebooks
You will be asked to enter different absolute paths respectively to:
- the ROOT files
- the folder containing results of the McStas simulation you want to compare the ROOT files to
- the folder to the He3 tubes ASCII files related to the same experiment as the one, when the ROOT files have been recorded.
- the fourth path has to be entered if you already have converted some of the ROOT files to .tif,
.dat or .png (using
Simply press Enter
if you do not have such types of files. The output is written in a
, which is imported in the notebooks to get access the datafiles' contents.
You can also directly create a
by hand. Its content is
data_root="Absolute path to ROOT data files to be specified"
data_mcstas="Absolute path to McStas output data files to be specified"
data_he3="Absolute path to He3 tubes ASCII data files to be specified"
data_extracted_from_root="Absolute path to output files from conversion of ROOT files to be specified"
If you do not have any particular type of datafiles, leave an empty quote ""
help about Jupyter notebook:
to deactivate your environment:
conda deactivate
to remove the environmwent:
conda remove --name v20_root_env --all
another way to use ROOT and Python is to write Python scripts importing
and running these scripts in the activated environment created above.To run the Python script, in a terminal:
* activate your conda environment (if it is not already the case) * move to where your Python script is located (*i.e.*, typing `cd path_to_where_your_python_script_is`) * type `python`
Note that you will have to edit the script to specify the path where the data (ROOT file, McStas output files, data from He3 tubes)
on Linux, I had to install something else:
conda install -c conda-forge mpich conda install -c anaconda gxx_linux-64
to test your installation, in the activated conda environment you can run the Python script
located in thetools
folder. It will check ifuproot
are installed.
Content of the folder:
For different aspects of the data treatment, Jupyter notebooks are provided:
Actions performed | Jupyter notebook |
run McStas simulation | Run_McStas_simulation.ipynb + |
plot McStas output datafiles | Plot_McStas_output.ipynb + |
plot ascii files from He3 tubes | Plot_He3_data.ipynb |
plot all ROOT files | ROOTfile_metadata_and_plots.ipynb * |
display metadata stored in a selected ROOT file | ROOTfile_metadata_and_plots.ipynb * |
plot and compare data from He3, ROOT and McStas | Plot_ROOT_He3_McStas.ipynb + |
calculate and display projection of 2D data | |
generate tif, dat, png from ROOT files | ROOTfile_metadata_and_plots.ipynb * |
open and display tif, dat, png from ROOT files | Open_tiff_png_dat_from_ROOT.ipynb * |
compare 2D data from ROOT and McStas | Compare_2D_datasets.ipynb |
perform WFM stitching on ROOT and Mcstas data | WFM_Stitching_2D.ipynb |
compare 1D projections from 2D ROOT and Mcstas data | Projection_2D.ipynb |
Legend of the table: * : requires PIL and + : requires McstasScript
Here are short descriptions about these documents:
Notebook to compare 2D data from ROOT and McStas. The data are cropped, resampled to the coarser grid and rescaled in intensity. -
Notebook to open and display.dat
files of 1D and 2D datasets, originally stored in ROOT files -
Notebook to plot ascii files from He3 tubes (after rebinning) -
Notebook to plot output data of McStas simulation. Two approaches are presented: - usingMcStasScript
- usingmatplotlib
Notebook to plot data from He3, ROOT files and McStas simulations. We focus on He3tube5 and Spectrum03 -
Notebook to compare 1D projections from 2D ROOT and McStas data. The range of y-values to generate the projections is set by the user -
Notebook to display metadata in a user-selected ROOT file and display and save all graphs stored in ROOT files -
Notebook to run a McStas simulation using McStasScript functionalities -
Notebook to perform WFM stitching on ROOT and McStas data