This is a set of integration tests for the S3 (AWS) interface of RGW.
It might also be useful for people implementing software that exposes an S3-like API.
The test suite only covers the REST interface and uses AWS Java SDK version 1.11.549 and TestNG framework.
Clone the repository
git clone
cd java_s3tests
The configuration file looks something like this:
bucket_prefix = test-
access_key = 0555b35654ad1656d804
access_secret = h7GhxuBLTrlhVUyxSPUKUV8r/2EI4ngqJxD7iBdBYLhwluN30JaT3Q==
region = mexico
endpoint = http://localhost:8000/
port = 8000
display_name = somename
email =
is_secure = false
SSE = AES256
kmskeyid = barbican_key_id
The credentials match the default S3 test user created by RGW.
The tests connect to the Ceph RGW, therefore one shoud start RGW beforehand and use the provided credentials. Details on building Ceph and starting RGW can be found in the ceph repository.
The s3tests.teuth.config.yaml files is required for the Ceph test framework Teuthology. It is irrelevant for standalone testing.
The script will install openjdk-8-jdk/java-1.8.0-openjdk, wget, unzip and gradle-4.7. The default gradle intsall path is /opt/gradle. One can specify a custom location by passing it as an argument to the script
./ --path=/path/to/install/gradle
Run all tests with:
gradle clean test
For more options check
gradle --help
There are three subsetests of tests: AWS4Test, BucketTest and ObjectTest. To run only one subset e.g. AWS4Test use:
gradle clean test --tests AWS4Test
For a specific test in one of the subesets e.g. testMultipartUploadMultipleSizesLLAPIAWS4() from AWS4Test do:
gradle clean test --tests AWS4Test.testMultipartUploadMultipleSizesLLAPIAWS4
It is possible to enable info/debug output from the tests as well as from the AWS API and the HTTP client. Edit the file
in order to change the log levels.