This is an intuitive async full-fledged Scala client for Pinecone API supporting all the available index, vector, collection, inference and assistant operations/endpoints, provided in two convenient services called PineconeVectorService and PineconeIndexService. The supported calls are:
- Vector Operations: describeIndexStats, query, delete, fetch, update, and upsert
- Collection Operations: listCollections, createCollection, describeCollection, and deleteCollection
- Index Operations: listIndexes, creatIndex, describeIndex, deleteIndex, and configureIndex
- Inference Operations: embedData, rerank, and evaluate
- Assistant Operations: listAssistants, createAssistant, describeAssistant, deleteAssistant, listFiles, uploadFile, describeFile, deleteFile, chatWithAssistant
- these operations are provided by two services:
- these operations are provided by two services:
Note that in order to be consistent with the Pinecone API naming, the service function names match exactly the API endpoint titles/descriptions with camelcase.
Also, we aimed the lib to be self-contained with the fewest dependencies possible therefore we ended up using only two libs play-ahc-ws-standalone
and play-ws-standalone-json
(at the top level).
βοΈ Important: this is a "community-maintained" library and, as such, has no relation to Pinecone company.
π Check out an article about the lib/client on Medium. Also, if you want to see hands-on examples right away, go to the Pinecone Examples or OpenAI + Pinecone Examples modules.
The currently supported Scala versions are 2.12, 2.13, and 3.
To pull the library you have to add the following dependency to your build.sbt
"io.cequence" %% "pinecone-scala-client" % "1.3.0"
or to pom.xml (if you use maven)
- Env. variables:
if pod-based service is used - File config (default): pinecone-scala-client.conf
Ia. Obtaining PineconeIndexService
First you need to provide an implicit execution context as well as akka materializer, e.g., as
implicit val ec =
implicit val materializer = Materializer(ActorSystem())
Then you can obtain a service (pod or serverless-based) in one of the following ways.
- Default config (expects env. variable(s) to be set as defined in
import io.cequence.pineconescala.service.PineconeIndexServiceFactory.FactoryImplicits
val service = PineconeIndexServiceFactory().asOne
- Custom config
val config = ConfigFactory.load("path_to_my_custom_config")
val service = PineconeIndexServiceFactory(config).asOne
- Without config for pod-based service (with env) - creates an instance of
val service = PineconeIndexServiceFactory(
apiKey = "your_api_key",
environment = "your_env" // e.g. "northamerica-northeast1-gcp
- Without config for serverless service - creates an instance of
val service = PineconeIndexServiceFactory(
apiKey = "your_api_key"
Ib. Obtaining PineconeVectorService
Same as with PineconeIndexService
, you need to first provide implicit execution context and Akka materializer. Then you can obtain a service in one of the following ways.
- Default config (expects env. variable(s) to be set as defined in
section). Note that if the index with a given name is not available, the factory will returnNone
PineconeVectorServiceFactory("index_name").map { serviceOption =>
val service = serviceOption.getOrElse(
throw new Exception(s"Index with a given name does not exist.")
// do something with the service
Ic. Obtaining PineconeInferenceService
Same as with PineconeIndexService
, you need to first provide implicit execution context and Akka materializer. Then you can obtain a service in one of the following ways.
- Default config
val service = PineconeInferenceServiceFactory()
- Custom config
val config = ConfigFactory.load("path_to_my_custom_config")
val service = PineconeInferenceServiceFactory(config)
- Directly with api-key
val service = PineconeInferenceServiceFactory(
apiKey = "your_api_key"
Id. Obtaining PineconeAssistantService
- Default config
val service = PineconeAssistantServiceFactory()
- Custom config
val config = ConfigFactory.load("path_to_my_custom_config")
val service = PineconeAssistantServiceFactory(config)
- Directly with api-key
val service = PineconeAssistantServiceFactory(
apiKey = "your_api"
Ie. Obtaining PineconeAssistantFileService
- Default config
val service = PineconeAssistantFileServiceFactory()
- Custom config
val config = ConfigFactory.load("path_to_my_custom_config")
val service = PineconeAssistantFileServiceFactory(config)
- Directly with api-key
val service = PineconeAssistantFileServiceFactory(
apiKey = "your_api"
II. Calling functions
Full documentation of each call with its respective inputs and settings is provided in PineconeVectorService and PineconeIndexService. Since all the calls are async they return responses wrapped in Future
Index Operations
- List indexes =>
- Create index (with default settings)
import io.cequence.pineconescala.domain.response.CreateResponse
name = "auto-gpt-test",
dimension = 1536
).map {
case CreateResponse.Created => println("Index successfully created.")
case CreateResponse.BadRequest => println("Index creation failed. Request exceeds quota or an invalid index name.")
case CreateResponse.AlreadyExists => println("Index with a given name already exists.")
- Describe index
pineconeIndexService.describeIndex("index_name").map(indexInfo =>
// if not found, indexInfo will be None
- Delete index
import io.cequence.pineconescala.domain.response.DeleteResponse
pineconeIndexService.deleteIndex("index_name").map {
case DeleteResponse.Deleted => println("Index successfully deleted.")
case DeleteResponse.NotFound => println("Index with a given name not found.")
- Configure index
import io.cequence.pineconescala.domain.response.ConfigureIndexResponse
name = "index_name",
replicas = Some(2),
pod_type = Some(PodType.p1_x2)
).map {
case ConfigureIndexResponse.Updated => println("Index successfully updated.")
case ConfigureIndexResponse.BadRequestNotEnoughQuota => println("Index update failed. Not enough quota.")
case ConfigureIndexResponse.NotFound => println("Index with a given name not found.")
Collection Operations
- List collections =>
println(collectionNames.mkString(", "))
- Create collection
import io.cequence.pineconescala.domain.response.CreateResponse
name = "collection_name",
source = "index_name"
).map {
case CreateResponse.Created => println("Collection successfully created.")
case CreateResponse.BadRequest => println("Collection creation failed. Request exceeds quota or an invalid collection name.")
case CreateResponse.AlreadyExists => println("Collection with a given name already exists.")
- Describe collection
pineconeIndexService.describeCollection("collection_name").map(collectionInfo =>
// if not found, collectionInfo will be None
- Delete collection
import io.cequence.pineconescala.domain.response.DeleteResponse
pineconeIndexService.deleteCollection("collection_name").map {
case DeleteResponse.Deleted => println("Collection successfully deleted.")
case DeleteResponse.NotFound => println("Collection with a given name not found.")
Vector Operations
- Upsert
val dimension = 1536
vectors = Seq(
id = "666",
values = Seq.fill(dimension)(Random.nextDouble),
metadata = Map(
"is_relevant" -> "not really but for testing it's ok, you know",
"food_quality" -> "brunches are perfect but don't go there before closing time"
id = "777",
values = Seq.fill(dimension)(Random.nextDouble),
metadata = Map(
"is_relevant" -> "very much so",
"food_quality" -> "burritos are the best!"
namespace = "my_namespace",
).map(vectorUpsertedCount =>
println(s"Upserted $vectorUpsertedCount vectors.")
- Update
val fetchedValues = ... // vectors fetched from somewhere
id = "777",
namespace = "my_namespace",
values = / 100), // divide fetched values by 100
sparseValues = Some(SparseVector(
indices = Seq(1, 2, 3),
values = Seq(8.8, 7.7, 2.2)
setMetaData = Map(
"solid_info" -> "this is the source of the truth"
).map(_ =>
println(s"Vectors updated.")
- Query with default settings
vector = Seq.fill(1536)(Random.nextDouble), // some values/embeddings
namespace = "my_namespace"
).map { queryResponse =>
queryResponse.matches.foreach { matchInfo =>
println(s"Matched vector id: ${}")
println(s"Matched vector values: ${matchInfo.values.take(20).mkString(", ")}..")
println(s"Matched vector score: ${matchInfo.score}")
println(s"Matched vector metadata: ${matchInfo.metadata}")
- Query with custom settings
vector = Seq.fill(1536)(Random.nextDouble), // some values/embeddings
namespace = "my_namespace",
settings = QuerySettings(
topK = 5,
includeValues = true,
includeMetadata = true
).map { queryResponse =>
queryResponse.matches.foreach { matchInfo =>
println(s"Matched vector id: ${}")
println(s"Matched vector values: ${matchInfo.values.take(20).mkString(", ")}..")
println(s"Matched vector score: ${matchInfo.score}")
println(s"Matched vector metadata: ${matchInfo.metadata}")
- Fetch
ids = Seq("666", "777"),
namespace = "my_namespace"
).map { fetchResponse => { pVector =>
println(s"Fetched vector id: ${}")
println(s"Fetched vector values: ${pVector.values.take(20).mkString(", ")}..")
println(s"Fetched vector metadata: ${pVector.metadata}")
- Delete by id(s)
ids = Seq("666", "777"),
namespace = "my_namespace"
).map(_ =>
println("Vectors deleted")
- Delete all
namespace = "my_namespace"
).map(_ =>
println("All vectors deleted")
- Describe index stats =>
Inference Operations
- Generate embeddings
Seq("The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog")
).map { embeddings =>
- Rerank documents / chunks
query = "The tech company Apple is known for its innovative products like the iPhone.",
documents = Seq(...)
- Evaluate Q&A
question = "What are the capital cities of France, England and Spain?",
answer = "Paris is a city of France and Barcelona of Spain",
groundTruthAnswer = "Paris is the capital city of France, London of England and Madrid of Spain"
).map { response =>
** Assistant Operations**
- List assistants =>
println(assistants.mkString(", "))
- Create assistant
import io.cequence.pineconescala.domain.response.CreateResponse
name = "assistant_name",
description = "assistant_description",
assistantType = "assistant_type"
).map {
case CreateResponse.Created => println("Assistant successfully created.")
case CreateResponse.BadRequest => println("Assistant creation failed. Request exceeds quota or an invalid assistant name.")
case CreateResponse.AlreadyExists => println("Assistant with a given name already exists.")
- Describe assistant
pineconeAssistantService.describeAssistant("assistant_name").map(assistant =>
// if not found, assistant will be None
- Delete assistant
import io.cequence.pineconescala.domain.response.DeleteResponse
pineconeAssistantService.deleteAssistant("assistant_name").map {
case DeleteResponse.Deleted => println("Assistant successfully deleted.")
case DeleteResponse.NotFound => println("Assistant with a given name not found.")
- List assistant files
pineconeAssistantService.listFiles("assistant_name").map(files =>
println(files.mkString(", "))
- Upload assistant file
import io.cequence.pineconescala.domain.response.CreateResponse
assistantName = "assistant_name",
filePath = "path_to_file"
).map {
case CreateResponse.Created => println("File successfully uploaded.")
case CreateResponse.BadRequest => println("File upload failed. Request exceeds quota or an invalid file path.")
case CreateResponse.AlreadyExists => println("File with a given name already exists.")
- Describe assistant file
pineconeAssistantService.describeFile("assistant_name", "file_name").map(file =>
// if not found, file will be None
- Chat with an assistant
"What is the maximum height of a red pine?"
).map(response =>
For ready-to-run demos pls. refer to separate modules:
- Pinecone Scala Demo - shows how to use Pinecone vector, index, and collection operations
- Pinecone + OpenAI Scala Demo - shows how to generate and store OpenAI embeddings into Pinecone and query them afterwards
I got a timeout exception. How can I change the timeout setting?
You can do it either by passing the
param toPinecone{Vector,Index}ServiceFactory
or, if you use your own configuration file, then you can simply add it there as:
pinecone-scala-client {
timeouts {
requestTimeoutSec = 200
readTimeoutSec = 200
connectTimeoutSec = 5
pooledConnectionIdleTimeoutSec = 60
I got an exception like
com.typesafe.config.ConfigException$UnresolvedSubstitution: pinecone-scala-client.conf @ jar:file:.../io/cequence/pinecone-scala-client_2.13/1.3.0/pinecone-scala-client_2.13-1.3.0.jar!/pinecone-scala-client.conf: 4: Could not resolve substitution to a value: ${PINECONE_SCALA_CLIENT_API_KEY}
. What should I do?Set the env. variable
. If you don't have one register here. -
It all looks cool. I want to chat with you about your research and development?
Just shoot us an email at
This library is available and published as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
This project is open-source and welcomes any contribution or feedback (here).
Development of this library has been supported by - -
The future of contracting
Created and maintained by Peter Banda.