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py-toolbox is a set of utilities for Python projects


The toolbox has been written in Python 3, and it needs version 3.7.

The dependencies are managed by pip using the file requirements.txt.


To add py-toolbox to your project, run the following command. This will add the last released version to you project:

pip install --upgrade cerbernetix.toolbox

For getting the last unstable version, the package needs to be installed from the source code. The following command will grab the last develop version:

pip install --upgrade git+

If you prefer using ssh:

pip install --upgrade git+ssh://


py-toolbox offers several utilities per domain.

Please refer to the documentation for more information.


Check out the repository:

git clone

Then, create the virtual env and install the dependencies:

cd py-toolbox
python3 -m venv ".venv"
source ".venv/bin/activate"
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

Note: For deactivating the virtual env, call the command deactivate.

Automating the environment activation/deactivation

For activating the virtual env automatically when entering the project folder, and deactivating it when leaving the folder, you can add this snippet to you shell profile:

cd() {
    builtin cd "$@"

    local venv=".venv"

    # If a Python virtualenv is active, deactivate it if the new folder is outside
    if [[ -v VIRTUAL_ENV ]] ; then
        local parent=$(dirname "${VIRTUAL_ENV}")
        if [[ "${PWD}"/ != "${parent}"/* ]] ; then

    # If a Python env folder is found then activate the virtualenv
    if [[ -d "./${venv}" ]] ; then
        # Is it a Python venv?
        if [[ -f "./${venv}/bin/activate" ]] ; then
            source "./${venv}/bin/activate"

Code style

Code is linted using PyLint and formatted using Black. The docstrings are validated using pydocstyle.


Each module comes with unit tests, by convention, a test folder must be added to each package

Unit tests are made using unittest. To run them:

python3 -m unittest


Docstrings are written following the Google docstrings format.

The documentation is generated using lazydocs.

The script ./ can be used to regenerate it.


Copyright (c) 2023 Jean-Sébastien CONAN Distributed under the MIT License (See LICENSE file or copy at