compiles template strings for ceriJS
npm install --save-dev ceri-compiler
Usage: ceri-compiler [options] <file ...>
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-o, --out [folder] out
-b, --bundle make a bundle
-w, --webpack webpack config to use for bundle creation
-v [version] (required) compiler version to use
ceri-compiler -b someComp.js
// syntax
// template(version:Number or String, template: String)
template = template(1,"<div></div>")
// output
template = function(){return [this.el("div",{},[])]}
// using consolidate.js
template = template("pug.1","div")
<div class=someClass></div> <!-- simple attribute -->
<!-- directives -->
<div :class=nameOfVar></div> <!-- bind local scope variable to attribute -->
<div @click=nameOfFunction></div> <!-- bind local scope function to event -->
<div :click.toggle=nameOfVar></div> <!-- set modifier to binding -->
<div> <!-- use elemental directives to pass further options -->
<@click=nameOfVar toggle>
<div :class.expr=@nameOfVar></div> <!-- create a inline expression '@' is short for 'this.' -->
<div><slot></slot></div> <!-- define a slot -->
<div>Hello {{@greeted}}</div> <!-- create a inline expression -->
Copyright (c) 2017 Paul Pflugradt Licensed under the MIT license.