by Ashu Gupta and Crystal Gong
View the Visualization here
Read the writeup here
Make sure you CTRL-SHIFT-R when viewing herokup app.
- To run from local run a web server:
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000
- Head over to
We decided not to implement a feature to display the arrows incoming and outgoing all at once. Although, this feature would allow for more information to be viewed and displayed at the same time, we saw this also resulted in an overload of information, making the graph difficult to view. In particular, a lot of the incoming outgoing arrows ended up overlapping (for example: Indiana ← Illinois and Illinois ← Indiana), making it difficult to differentiate when arrows were changing across time.
In the end, we decided to settle on providing the user with more numerical data. When, there is an arrow going from one state to another, we supplement this by also displaying the number of people who migrated in the information box on the side.