LeScapeNetCNN is an app that uses a vanilla JS/HTML/CSS frontend and a Python backend built in Flask to classify images with an advanced CNN. The CNN is used with a costumized Tensorflow-model that is built from the ground up by the team.
- Python
- Tensorflow/Keras
- Flask
Emil Lagerstedt, Filip Aldenhov, Kevin Andersson, Christopher Fossto
- Download this repository
- Navigate to the project folder in a terminal
- Run: python3 API_gateway
- Open a browser and write localhost:9999
- Done. Have fun!
(Ask any of us if you need the .h5 model. It is not available on Github, since it's too large. Drop the .h5-file into the "Backend"-folder. The program should find it there. If not, specify your own path in the imageProcess.py-file. Under the load_file-method, you will find the variable "model_path". Drop the path-name there.)