Aegix is a small game engine written in modern C++. It uses the Vulkan Graphics API for rendering, aiming to provide a foundation for advanced graphics programming.
- Physically based shading
- GLTF and OBJ mesh loading
- Immediate mode editor GUI
- Entity Component System
- Before you can run Aegix, you'll need to have the Vulkan SDK installed on your system.
- CMake functions as the build system, so make sure it's installed or use an IDE with CMake support (Visual Studio is the recommended choice).
Follow these steps to get started with the Aegix Engine:
Clone the repository and its submodules:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Open the folder in Visual Studio and CMake will automatically set up the project.
Build and run the project to view an example scene.
This project uses several external libraries:
- aegix-gltf: Loading GLTF 3D-Models
- entt: Entity Component System
- glfw: Windowing
- glm: Math Library
- imgui: UI
- stb: Image Loading
- tinyobjloader: Loading OBJ 3D-Models
- Vulkan: Graphics API