This is my personal website that I am currently hosting using Amazon S3. I don't have much time to work on it, but I would like to slowly add content to it and progressively enhance the look and feel as needed. I need to move from deploying via s3_website to using the grunt task grunt-aws-s3.
This site uses Jekyll to build the static assets, and s3_website to publish to Amazon S3. Both of these tools require the Ruby programming language runtime to be installed, so if you need to install that:
- for windows, use RubyInstaller
- for mac/linux, use RVM by executing this at the command line:
\curl -L | bash -s stable --ruby
Once ruby is installed, install s3_website and jekyll by running:
bundle install
jekyll build
If you want to work on the site and have it auto-refresh as you make changes:
jekyll serve --watch
The deployment requires two environment variables to be set to your amazon settings in order to properly deploy:
Once those are set:
s3_website push