This is a API starter template for building a Node.js and Express.js using Typescript and PostgreSQL as database. It includes popular tools such as jsonwebtoken, joi, Knex, Objection.js, and more.
# Clone repository
$ git clone <application-name>
$ cd <application-name>
# Update database credentials
$ cp .env.example .env
# Install dependencies
$ yarn install
$ yarn migrate
# Load fake data in database.
$ yarn load:fake <FactoryName> <Number>
Start the application.
# For production
$ yarn build
# For development
$ yarn dev
$ docker compose up -d api
# Make sure server is started checking logs before running this command
$ docker compose exec api sh yarn migrate
# View logs of the container.
$ docker compose logs -f api
# To stop the services.
$ docker compose stop api postgres
# To create migration use `make:migration`
$ yarn make:migration create_{table_name}_table
# To create seed use `make:seeder`
$ yarn make:seeder {table_name}_table_seeder
# Example
$ yarn make:migration create_posts_table
$ yarn make:seeder post_table_seeder
Modify migration and seeder file as per the requirement. Then finally:
# to migrate
$ yarn migrate
# to seed
$ yarn seed
Create a file or add following lines in .vscode
> settings.json
and switch an environment Cmd/Ctrl + Shift + P
> REST Client: Switch Environment
. Then, you can request APIs from
"rest-client.environmentVariables": {
"$shared": {
"refreshToken": "foo",
"accessToken": "bar",
"email": "",
"password": "secret"
"local": {
"host": "localhost",
"refreshToken": "{{$shared refreshToken}}",
"accessToken": "{{$shared accessToken}}",
"email": "{{$shared email}}",
"password": "{{$shared password}}"
Feel free to send pull requests.
typescript-api-starter is under MIT License.