Custom pandoc reader for Norg format.
NOTE: This is WIP project. May not work in some edge cases.
Sample config for lazy.nvim:
-- ...
-- ...
config = function()
require("neorg").setup {
load = {
["core.defaults"] = {},
["external.pandoc"] = {},
branch = "neorg-plugin",
config = true,
You can now run :Neorg pandoc output-file.pdf
to generate
from the currently opened norg file.
You can tweak pandoc by writing options in the metadata section. Two options are supported:
: do not render the metadata block in the output pdf -
: extra arguments for pandoc
For example:
title: a document
authors: someone
pandoc-ignore-metadata: true
pandoc-args: [
* heading
** subheading
- list item
- another list item
Now run :Neorg pandoc output-file.pdf
. According to the metadata, a
pdf will be generated from this norg file by ConTeXt, using a template
file named template.mkiv
, without rendering metadata block.
If you want to generate markdown file, you can write
pandoc-args: [
in the metadata, and then run :Neorg pandoc
Other formats like docx are not yet tested but should theorectically work as well.
pandoc --from=init.lua # more pandoc options
This is CI code used in this repo to convert Norg README file to Github-Flavored-Markdown
pandoc --from=init.lua --to=gfm README.norg
There is already a haskell parser that tried to implement a native pandoc reader, but the project is stalled. Haskell is good language to make custom parser, but there aren't many people who can use it.
Many of Neorg's features are already written in Lua, and pandoc has built-in support for Lua custom parsers. This project is started to provide full pandoc support as soon as possible.
Currently most parts of Layer1~4 are done. The left parts are:
Tables: It's really hard to implement as parser
Macros (including all kinds of Tags): Waiting for macro support in Norg
Complex Links (links to other Norg files, etc): Waiting for standard link resolver module
You can see detailed implement state in todo.norg
All contributions are welcome!
You can test with busted or neotest-plenary before making a PR.
All test files should be named like: test/*_spec.lua