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A web platform that brings traditional auctioning to a modern online system, coupled with tools that’s necessary for the auctioning process.

Getting Started

Follow these steps to get this project to run on you local machine for development and testing purposes.


  • Django (2.0 or higher)
  • Python (3.4 or higher) You can also check the requirements.txt to see the list of dependencies.


  1. Clone the repository
    • git clone
  2. Move to /eAuction directory and enter these on the terminal
    npm install
    This command installs everything inside the file called package.json

Running the System

Build the JS Files

To do so, open a terminal, move to the /eAuction directory, and run:

npm run build:watch

You should see something like this on your terminal:

Your application is running here: http://localhost:8080
Hash: 131574fce3d22a9c1c11
Version: webpack 3.11.0
Time: 175ms
                               Asset       Size  Chunks                    Chunk Names   44 bytes          [emitted]         
                              app.js    4.33 MB       0  [emitted]  [big]  app    3.64 kB       0  [emitted]         app   43 bytes          [emitted]         
             ../templates/index.html  331 bytes          [emitted]         
[./src/assets/js/Request.js] ./src/assets/js/Request.js 837 bytes {0} [built]
    + 63 hidden modules
Child html-webpack-plugin for "../templates/index.html":
                                   Asset      Size  Chunks             Chunk Names  44 bytes          [emitted]  
     + 1 hidden asset
       4 modules

Run the server

In a virtual environment, open a NEW terminal, move to the /eAuction directory where you can find the file. (Note: Yes a new terminal relative to the previously opened terminal for builging the JS Files. It is important to run this inside a virtual environment so that this project's dependencies and packages won't interfere with your machine's packages and vice versa.)

python3 runserver

You should see something like this on your terminal:

System check identified no issues (0 silenced).
May 09, 2018 - 03:40:34
Django version 2.0.4, using settings 'auction.settings'
Starting development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.

Access the website

Open your browser and copy this URL on the address bar or click here:



After making the server run, you may have some suggestions, bug fixes, etc. To have it incorporated in the system, we follow a git flow that ensures proper documentation of appends/amends in the system.

Git flow

Assuming you've finished following the steps above, the git flow is as follows:

  1. Create a branch from the development branch.
    • Branches are to be named as: / on kebab-case (e.g. feature/authentication)
    • Action-types are as follows:
      • bugfix
      • fixture
      • chore
      • refactor
  2. After finishing a task, push request to development branch
  3. This will then be reviewed, and would be pushed to the master branch