PHPConverter is simple name-spaced library for converting between different units of measure.
The library come pre-loaded with a basic set of units of measurement for length, area, mass and volume along with common aliases for each of the units.
Make sure that you have the library loaded via your autoloader or by simply including the the factory PHPConverter class (PHPConveter.php).
To do a simple conversion between existing units within a measure.
// PHPConverter\PHPConverter::convert(measure, value, fromUnit);
$example = PHPConverter\PHPConverter::convert('length', 65, 'ft');
echo $example->toUnit('m');
You can add a new unit of measurement at runtime, simply be registering the unit and it's conversion to the base SI unit.
// $example->addUnit(name, constant to SI unit, aliases = array());
$example->addUnit("smoot", 1.70180, array("oliver"));
echo $example->toUnit('smoot');
To add a new alias to a unit in the measurement type at runtime
// $example->addAlias(name, alias);
$example->addAlias("smoot", "oliver");