This implementation is meant to demonstrate how to use the projects.timeseries.list API, PubSub and BigQuery to store aggregated Stackdriver Monitoring metrics for long-term analysis in BigQuery.
- Clone the source repo
git clone
cd stackdriver-metrics-export
- Enable the APIs
gcloud services enable \ \ \ \
- Set your PROJECT_ID variable, by replacing [YOUR_PROJECT_ID] with your GCP project id
- Create the BigQuery tables Create a Dataset and then a table using the schema JSON files
bq mk metric_export
bq mk --table --time_partitioning_type=DAY metric_export.sd_metrics_export_fin ./bigquery_schemas/bigquery_schema.json
bq mk --table --time_partitioning_type=DAY metric_export.sd_metrics_stats ./bigquery_schemas/bigquery_schema_stats_table.json
bq mk --table metric_export.sd_metrics_params ./bigquery_schemas/bigquery_schema_params_table.json
- Replace the JSON token in the files Generate a new token and then replace that token in the each of files. Use this same token in the Cloud Scheduler.
TOKEN=$(python -c "import uuid; msg = uuid.uuid4(); print msg")
LIST_PROJECTS_TOKEN=$(python -c "import uuid; msg = uuid.uuid4(); print msg")
sed -i s/16b2ecfb-7734-48b9-817d-4ac8bd623c87/$TOKEN/g list_metrics/
sed -i s/16b2ecfb-7734-48b9-817d-4ac8bd623c87/$TOKEN/g get_timeseries/
sed -i s/16b2ecfb-7734-48b9-817d-4ac8bd623c87/$TOKEN/g write_metrics/
sed -i s/16b2ecfb-7734-48b9-817d-4ac8bd623c87/$TOKEN/g list_projects/config.json
sed -i s/16b2ecfb-7734-48b9-817d-4ac8bd623c87/$TOKEN/g list_projects/config.json
sed -ibk "s/99a9ffa8797a629783cb4aa762639e92b098bac5/$LIST_PROJECTS_TOKEN/g" list_projects/config.json
sed -ibk "s/YOUR_PROJECT_ID/$PROJECT_ID/g" list_projects/config.json
- Deploy the App Engine apps Run a gcloud app create if you don't already have an App Engine app in your project and remove the service: list-metrics from app.yaml
cd list_metrics
pip install -t lib -r requirements.txt
echo "y" | gcloud app deploy
cd ../get_timeseries
pip install -t lib -r requirements.txt
echo "y" | gcloud app deploy
cd ../write_metrics
pip install -t lib -r requirements.txt
echo "y" | gcloud app deploy
- Create the Pub/Sub topics and subscriptions after setting YOUR_PROJECT_ID
If you already have a default App Engine app in your project, enter the following command.
export LIST_METRICS_URL=https://list-metrics-dot-$
if this was your first App Engine app in your project, enter the following command.
export LIST_METRICS_URL=https://$
Now, get the get_timeseries and write_metrics URLs and create the Pub/Sub topics and subscriptions
export GET_TIMESERIES_URL=https://get-timeseries-dot-$
export WRITE_METRICS_URL=https://write-metrics-dot-$
gcloud pubsub topics create metrics_export_start
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create metrics_export_start_sub --topic metrics_export_start --ack-deadline=60 --message-retention-duration=10m --push-endpoint="$LIST_METRICS_URL/_ah/push-handlers/receive_message"
gcloud pubsub topics create metrics_list
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create metrics_list_sub --topic metrics_list --ack-deadline=60 --message-retention-duration=30m --push-endpoint="$GET_TIMESERIES_URL/_ah/push-handlers/receive_message"
gcloud pubsub topics create write_metrics
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create write_metrics_sub --topic write_metrics --ack-deadline=60 --message-retention-duration=30m --push-endpoint="$WRITE_METRICS_URL/_ah/push-handlers/receive_message"
- Create a service account for the list_projects function
gcloud beta iam service-accounts create \
gce-list-projects \
--description "Used for the function that lists the projects for the GCE Footprint Cloud Function"
export LIST_PROJECTS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT=gce-list-projects@$
9 Assign IAM permissions to the service account
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:$LIST_PROJECTS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT" --role="roles/compute.viewer"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:$LIST_PROJECTS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT" --role="roles/compute.browser"
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:$LIST_PROJECTS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT" --role="roles/pubsub.publisher"
- Deploy the list_projects function
cd ../list_projects
gcloud functions deploy list_projects \
--trigger-topic metric_export_get_project_start \
--runtime nodejs10 \
--entry-point list_projects \
- Deploy the Cloud Scheduler job
gcloud scheduler jobs create pubsub metric_export \
--schedule "*/5 * * * *" \
--topic metric_export_get_project_start \
--message-body "{ \"token\":\"$(echo $LIST_PROJECTS_TOKEN)\"}"
- Run the job from the scheduler
gcloud scheduler jobs run metric_export
- Test the app by sending a PubSub message to the metrics_export_start topic
gcloud pubsub topics publish metrics_export_start --message "{\"token\": \"$TOKEN\"}"
You can send in all of the parameters using the following command
gcloud pubsub topics publish metrics_export_start --message "{\"token\": \"$TOKEN\"}, \"start_time\": \"2019-03-13T17:30:00.000000Z\", \"end_time\":\"2019-03-13T17:40:00.000000Z\",\"aggregation_alignment_period\":\"3600s\"}"
- Verify that the app is working appropriately by running the end-to-end testing
Configure your project_id and lookup the batch_id in the file.
cd test
export PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
export TIMESTAMP=$(date -d "-2 hour" +%Y-%m-%dT%k:%M:00Z)
export BATCH_ID=$(gcloud logging read "resource.type=\"gae_app\" AND resource.labels.module_id=\"list-metrics\" AND logName=\"projects/$PROJECT_ID/logs/\" AND protoPayload.line.logMessage:\"batch_id:\" AND timestamp >= \"$TIMESTAMP\"" --limit 1 --format json | grep "batch_id:" | awk '{ print substr($3,1,32); }')