Bash scripts to assist in bootstrapping Debian and openSUSE environments
It is important to adjust the scripts' variables according to your target environment.
The and scripts use debootstrap. It is included in several package managers' repos.
The script use zypper. It must be used in an openSUSE environment.
The script initializes some local variables. It exports them to environmental variables. It is important to adjust these variables according to your target environment. Once they are set, select debootstrap to begin bootstrapping Debian If needed, select the bind-mount option to mount --bind the virtual filesystems /dev, /sys, and /proc
This is useful for making chroot jail environments, containers, and dev/testing environments.
The "${debootm}" variable is the URL of a Debian ftp server. It gets exported to "$DEBMIR". The "${jail}" variable is the bootstrap target directory. It gets exported to "$BIND".
The script bootstraps a Debian system onto a zram block device. uses zypper to bootstrap an openSUSE environment. I'm not aware of any other distro that uses zypper, but it is possible to use pretty much any package manager to bootstrap a system.