code as statement and trust in applicative, value + fork + opensource
Making a programme, its [code] is value, there is true design decision to take over what should be inferred, what should be Striples, what cross application triples to address, what simplification to make, and this is really what will impact the [topology] of the knowledge, coding is in itself a form of ownership :
- so we need opensource for distributed application (otherwise )
- and from that version of an application is an Striples leading to possible :
- donation
- version control and patch correction rewards...
TODO develop on the fact that code use and interoperability
Pushing everything even further would lead to create programing language using Striple. A new programming language does not make a lot of sense right now, but DSL (Domain Specific Language build over an existing language like haskell), or annotation (for instance Rust Compiler plugin) yes.
Another step is to define all lexeme of an existing language with Striple, this should be at the lexer level but also in parser to have the language syntax being Striples (using lexeme Striples). I am unsure about the benefit of doing this, except in some meta-language theory or for cross-language approach (but it is not an application of Striple directly) ...
Additional linking info
see code