This is a command-line tool for use in generating hopefully interesting SVG images based on brocade patterns. It's a work in progress.
This was built on macOS using Go 1.13.4.
% make
% bin/go-brocade
% make && bin/go-brocade
go build -o bin/go-brocade go-brocade.go
Usage: bin/go-brocade [options]
-colors string
Comma-separated list of colors to apply to the pattern, e.g., #ff00ff,#999999.
Defaults to randomly chosen colors. The first color will be used for the
background color.
-h int
Height of SVG image to produce; defaults to 11" at 125px per inch (default 1375)
Pass this to list available patterns.
-out string
Name of SVG file to create, e.g., my-image.svg
-patterns string
Comma-separated list of pattern names to include in the generated image.
Ignored when -random is >0. (default "flowerAndStem,swirlyStem,fleur")
-random int
Number of patterns to randomly include. Set to >0 to use, 0 to specify patterns
-w int
Width of SVG image to produce; defaults to 8.5" at 125px per inch (default 1063)
-xoffsets string
Comma-separated list of X-axis offset values, in pixels, for each pattern.
If omitted, will default to 0px.
-yoffsets string
Comma-separated list of Y-axis offset values, in pixels, for each pattern.
If omitted, will default to 0px.
% make && bin/go-brocade -list
go build -o bin/go-brocade go-brocade.go
Patterns: fleur, flowerAndStem, jigsaw, jupiter, overcast, sCurve, swirlyStem, yyy
% make && bin/go-brocade -out test.svg -colors "#efefef" -xoffsets "0,-5,-3" -yoffsets "0,30,-65"
go build -o bin/go-brocade go-brocade.go
Using options:
Dimensions: 1063x1375
Output: test.svg
Background: #efefef
- FlowerAndStem #7da955 0,0
- SwirlyStem #d26950 -5,30
- Fleur #ab6ac8 0,0
Wrote test.svg
% make && bin/go-brocade -random 5 -out test.svg
go build -o bin/go-brocade go-brocade.go
Using options:
Dimensions: 1063x1375
Output: test.svg
Background: #d16098
- FlowerAndStem #64ac5a 0,0
- YYY #7989d1 0,0
- YYY #b7953f 0,0
- Jupiter #af51d9 0,0
- FlowerAndStem #d55d45 0,0
Wrote test.svg
Use a tool -- like Gapplin on macOS -- to view the resulting SVG file.