This is yet another jquery autocomplete plugin with a couple of specific functions. Some of them:
- The button to show all results and related callback;
- Translitiration for cyrillyc input;
- Configurable css-classes;
Usage is quite simple. You just have to set up lookup data and some options (if you need it). For example:
var lookupDataArray = [
{"data": "<url of current item>", "value": "<text value, to recognize current search item>"},
{"data": "<url of current item>", "value": "<text value, to recognize current search item>"}
$("<search field selector>").autocomplete({
"lookup": lookupDataArray,
"autoSelectFirst": true,
"showAll": function (suggestions) {
// do something
Parameter | lookup |
Type | Array |
Default | [] (empty array) |
Required | Yes |
Description | Data for autocomplete |
Parameter | transliteration |
Type | Boolean |
Default | true |
Required | No |
Description | It defines if we need to transliterate cyrilic symbols (e.g. "лента"-> "lenta", "триггер"->"trigger") |
Parameter | autoSelectFirst |
Type | Boolean |
Default | true |
Required | No |
Description | If defined as 'true' first item in search result will be selected |
Parameter | caseSensetive |
Type | Boolean |
Default | false |
Required | No |
Description | If defined as 'false' search will ignore upper case symbols |
Parameter | classes |
Type | Object |
Required | No |
Description | Set of css classes to customize output view. |
Default classes:
"classes": {
"container": "autocomplete-suggestions",
"selected": "autocomplete-selected",
"suggestion": "autocomplete-suggestion",
"wrapper": "autocomplete-wrapper",
"showAll": "autocomplete-show-all"
Parameter | containerParent |
Type | String |
Default | "body" |
Required | No |
Description | It defines element to append suggestions container. |
Parameter | showAll |
Type | function |
Default | undefined |
Required | No |
Description | If defined, there is an ability to use "Show all" button to get all search results. |
Usage example:
"showAll": function (suggestions) {
console.log(suggestions); // [{"data": "<url>", "value": "<text value>"}, ... {...}]
Parameter | containerHeight |
Type | Number |
Default | 500 |
Required | No |
Description | It defines suggestions container max-height in pixels. |
Parameter | labels.showAllButtonText |
Type | String |
Default | "Show all" |
Required | No |
Description | It defines label for "show all" button. |