GOAP-Unity Public
GOAP (Goal-Oriented Action Planning) in Unity is an AI framework that helps game developers create intelligent behaviors for NPCs by defining goals and actions, allowing for dynamic decision-making.
ChessOnline Public
Unity Multiplayer Chess Game - using unity transport - low-level networking library.
nakama-chat Public
A simple chat app using nakama server
JessicaLim8 Public
Forked from JessicaLim8/JessicaLim8Profile ReadME! Join my community word cloud!
Ruby UpdatedAug 28, 2022 -
Unity_Parkour_System Public
Character controller with a parkour system to transverse obstacles of various height.
AStar-Pathfinding Public
A star (A*) pathfinding in unity C#
UnityCommandPattern Public
Basic implementation of command pattern in Unity3d.
ClippingExample Public
The ClippingExample app demonstrates how you can use and combine shapes to specify which portions of a canvas are displayed in a view.
Kotlin UpdatedSep 19, 2020 -
MiniPaint Public
The MiniPaint app uses a custom view to display a line in response to user touches with different stroke colors
Kotlin UpdatedAug 25, 2020 -
CustomFanController Public
Custom Android View Example in Kotlin - a fan controller
Kotlin UpdatedAug 22, 2020 -
TheLostBoy2DPrototype Public
A 2d prototype game about a boy lost in an alien environment
C# UpdatedMar 24, 2020 -
A 3d raycast based rigidbody controller to move a character in unity3d.
BinarySaveAndLoadSystemUnity Public
Save and load system which uses binary files to save shape,position and rotation of a gameobject.
example-shader-legacy Public
Forked from cocos-creator/example-shader-legacyShader demo based on the material system of Cocos Creator 2.2.
TypeScript UpdatedSep 25, 2019 -
Procedural-Planets Public
Forked from SebLague/Procedural-Planets