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FHIR Server Exporter

Last Version License Docker Pull CI OpenSSF Scorecard SLSA 3

FHIR server resource count exporter for Prometheus.


docker run --rm -it \
    -p 9797:9797 \
    -e FhirServerUrl="" \
    -e FetchIntervalSeconds=60 \
    -e FhirServerName="HAPI FHIR Demo Server" \

Open http://localhost:9797/metrics to view the resource counts in Prometheus format:

# HELP fhir_resource_count Number of resources stored within the FHIR server by type.
# TYPE fhir_resource_count gauge
fhir_resource_count{type="Patient", server_name="HAPI FHIR Demo Server"} 124005
fhir_resource_count{type="Condition", server_name="HAPI FHIR Demo Server"} 29282
fhir_resource_count{type="DiagnosticReport", server_name="HAPI FHIR Demo Server"} 36429

The container image is pushed to these registries:



Environment Variable Description Default value
FhirServerUrl The base URL of the FHIR server whose metrics should be exported. E.g. http://localhost:8082/fhir ""
FhirServerName A friendly name for the server. Included as a server_name label in the fhir_resource_count metric. ""
FetchIntervalSeconds The number of seconds between consecutive REST requests to the FHIR server to fetch all resource counts. 30
MetricsPort The local port on which the metrics should be exposed at. 9797
FhirServerTimeout The HTTP client timeout for querying the FHIR server in TimeSpan format. "0.00:02:00"
ExcludedResources A comma-separated list of FHIR resource types that should be excluded from counting. E.g. Binary,Subscription ""
IncludedResources A comma-separated list of FHIR resource types that should be included for counting. if unset, defaults to all types. ""
Auth__Basic__Username If the FHIR server requires basic auth, this allows setting the username. ""
Auth__Basic__Password Basic auth password. ""
Auth__BearerToken Static token to set in the Authorization: Bearer … header. ""
Auth__OAuth__TokenUrl OAuth token endpoint URL. ""
Auth__OAuth__ClientId OAuth client ID. ""
Auth__OAuth__ClientSecret OAuth client secret ""
Auth__OAuth__Scope OAuth scope ""

Custom Queries

You can also specify a list of custom queries to run against the FHIR server. Create a file called queries.yaml and place it in the application's main directory:

docker run --rm -it \
   -e FhirServerUrl="" \
   -e FhirServerName="HAPI FHIR Demo Server" \
   -p 9797:9797 \
   -v $PWD/src/FhirServerExporter/queries.yaml:/opt/fhir-server-exporter/queries.yaml:ro \

Here's an example queries.yaml file. It exports three gauge metrics as fhir_male_patient_count, fhir_female_patient_count, and fhir_older_female_patient_count.

  - name: fhir_male_patient_count
    query: Patient?gender=male
    description: Male patients
  - name: fhir_female_patient_count
    query: Patient?gender=female
  - name: fhir_older_female_patient_count
    query: Patient?gender=female&birthdate=le1900
    description: Female patients born on or before 1900

Note that &_summary=count is automatically appended to the query.

Install on Kubernetes

To deploy the exporter on Kubernetes, a Helm chart is available at


If multiple authentication settings are given, the order of usage is:

  1. Basic Auth
  2. Bearer Token
  3. OAuth

so if you've specified both a basic auth username and password and an oauth token URL, only the basic auth is used.


Using Docker Compose

  1. Start an empty HAPI FHIR server exposed on port 8282 and a pre-configured Prometheus instance on port 9090:

    docker compose -f hack/compose.yaml up
  2. Run the server exporter

    cd src/FhirServerExporter/
    dotnet run
  3. Access the exposed metrics at http://localhost:9797/metrics

On Kubernetes using Skaffold+Kustomize

  1. create a local testing cluster

    kind create cluster
  2. build and deploy container in development mode. This also bootstraps a HAPI FHIR server and loads some sample resources into it.

    skaffold dev --port-forward

Build and run container image locally

docker build -t fhir-server-exporter:local .
docker run -e FhirServerUrl="http://host.docker.internal:8082/fhir" -p 9797:9797 fhir-server-exporter:local

Image signature and provenance verification


All released container images are signed using cosign and SLSA Level 3 provenance is available for verification.
DIGEST=$(crane digest "${IMAGE}")

cosign verify \
   --certificate-oidc-issuer="" \
   --certificate-identity-regexp="^[0-9a-f]{40}$" \
   --certificate-github-workflow-repository="chgl/fhir-server-exporter" \

slsa-verifier verify-image \
    --source-uri \
    --source-tag ${IMAGE_TAG} \
    --source-branch master \