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Kundera Cassandra performance 2.0.5

xamry edited this page Oct 29, 2012 · 2 revisions

Recently we did performance test over Kundera-2.0.5. This release enable us to fully utilize usage of secondary index support provided by cassandra. So here are details (given below) :

Release: 2.0.5

  • Enviornment: Amazon AWS ubuntu large instance (ami-09965860).

Bulk Load:

Number Of Records(Single Thread) Pelops Time (in ms) Hector Time (in ms) Kundera (in ms)
1 108 123 173
1000 1882 1775 2016
4000 5005 4086 5128
40000 17882 16718 18903
100000 38940 36776 41497
1000000 422926 416727 451988

Concurrent Load:

Number Of Threads (1 record) Pelops Time (in ms) Hector Time (in ms) Kundera (in ms)
10 148 100 117
100 350 363 361
1000 1793 1885 2180
10000 11478 11480 14262
40000 38887 37241 41977
50000 48646 47749 49285
100000 91280 92874 97707

Concurrent Load + Bulk Load:

Number Of Threads (1000 rec/ thread) Pelops Time (in ms) Hector Time (in ms) Kundera (in ms)
10 5929 5286 7722
100 34750 32228 39124
1000 368022 352711 393931

Source Code: Source code for producing these results is available here.

Steps to run:

  1. Download jar.
  2. java -jar {Number of records} {client type} {process mode} { number of threads} -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m (e.g. java -jar /home/impadmin/workspace/kundera-cassandra-2.0.5-perf.jar 1 pelops b -Xmx1024m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m

{client type} => 1) Pelops 2) kundera 3) Hector {process mode} => 1)c(Cnoncurrent) 2) b(Bulk) 3)cb(Concurrent+Bulk)


Above mentioned results are on the specified environment and use case and might have different outcome in other cases

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