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One Planet Project

A webapp, with a sci-fi/futuristic design, to monitor vital signs of our planet and educate and raise awareness among the users about global warming and climate change.

Screenshot (51) Screenshot (53)

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📑 Info sources

I have used different public api to access data. Most of them don't require key or authentication (except one: the air quality API). Images are from Pixabay. All the informations are from Nasa website - Climate Change section, articles from Our World in Data, WWF website and Copernicus program website.

🛠️ Libraries and tools

I implemented the web app with different libraries.

  • Arwes: a sci-fi/futuristic UI libraries
  • MUI: a wonderful library of React components
  • Chart.js: for costumizable Javascript charts
  • FontAwesome: a huge icons library
  • Framer Motion: a simple motion library for React
  • React Router: for page routing
  • Axios: for fetching data from APIs

🌐 Link to project

One planet project - Powered by Vercel