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OpenAI API Mock

This is a Node.js module for mocking OpenAI API responses in a development environment.

It's useful for testing and development purposes when you don't want to make actual API calls.

The module supports the following OpenAI API endpoints:

  • chat completions
  • chat completions with streaming
  • chat completions with functions
  • image generations

This module is powering the sandbox mode for Aipify.


You can install this module using npm as a dev dependency :

npm install -D openai-api-mock


const { mockOpenAIResponse } = require('openai-api-mock');

Then, call the mockOpenAIResponse function to set up the mock response:


This function intercepts HTTP calls to the OpenAI endpoint and returns a mock response. The mock response is generated based on the requestBody of the code , and it supports complex (function call) requestBody structures like arrays and nested objects.

mockOpenAIResponse(force = true);

The force parameter is a boolean that determines whether the mock response should be used regardless of the environment. If force is true, the mock response will be used regardless of the environment.

If force is false or not provided, the mock response will only be used if the NODE_ENV environment variable is set to development.

Example responces

// Call the mockOpenAIResponse function once to set up the mock

// Now, when you call the OpenAI API, it will return a mock response
const response = await{
                model: "gpt-3.5",
                messages: [
                    { role: 'system', content: "You'r an expert chef" },
                    { role: 'user', content: "Suggest at least 5 recipes" },

In this example, the response constant will contain mock data, simulating a response from the OpenAI API:

    choices: [
          finish_reason: 'stop',
          index: 0,
          message: [Object],
          logprobs: null
      created: 1707040459,
      id: 'chatcmpl-tggOnwW8Lp2XiwQ8dmHHAcNYJ8CfzR',
      model: 'gpt-3.5-mock',
      object: 'chat.completion',
      usage: { completion_tokens: 17, prompt_tokens: 57, total_tokens: 74 }

The library also supports mocking stream responses

// Call the mockOpenAIResponse function once to set up the mock
// Now, when you call the OpenAI API, it will return a mock response
const response = await{
                model: "gpt-3.5",
                stream : true,
                messages: [
                    { role: 'system', content: "You'r an expert chef" },
                    { role: 'user', content: "Suggest at least 5 recipes" },

// then read it 
for await (const part of response) {
    console.log(part.choices[0]?.delta?.content || '')

Intercepted URLs

This module uses the nock library to intercept HTTP calls to the following OpenAI API endpoints:

  • This endpoint is used for generating chat completions.
  • This endpoint is used for generating images.


This module depends on the following npm packages:

  • nock : For intercepting HTTP calls.
  • @faker-js/faker : For generating fake data.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.